[A logo for a research company Description automatically generated] POSITION: Assistant Unit Leader, USGS Missouri Cooperative Research Unit
The USGS Cooperative Research Unit and The School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri (MU), invites applicants with interest and experience in wetland ecology for a full time, federal position as the Assistant Unit Leader. The applicant is anticipated to develop a research program conducting applied research focused on wetland ecology to inform the management and conservation of aquatic and semi-aquatic species and their communities relevant to Missouri and beyond. The position is currently advertised in USAjobs until closing on December 20, 2024: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/820175500 LOCATION: This is not a remote position. This position is on the MU campus, located in Columbia, Missouri. A description of the School of Natural Resources at MU can be found at https://cafnr.missouri.edu/divisions/school-of-natural-resources/ OPEN AND CLOSING DATES: 11/20/2024 to 12/20/2024 PAY SCALE AND GRADE: GS 12-13; $86,962 - $134,435 per year Job Description: The Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit works closely with state and federal cooperators to conduct research that supports management of fish and wildlife populations in Missouri and throughout North America. More specific information about the Missouri Unit can be found at: https://www1.usgs.gov/coopunits/unit/Missouri Unit scientists help prepare graduate students for careers in state and federal governments and academia. The Unit offers a unique collaborative partnership among the Missouri Department of Conservation, MU, USGS, Wildlife Management Institute, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service whereby partners work together to design and conduct research that helps solve complex issues. We seek a wetland ecologist which includes specific experience in wildlife ecology and management within wetland ecosystems; assessing spatial, community and population dynamics; ecological patterns and processes at landscape scales; large scale field research; analyzing existing large data sets and using emerging statistical and modeling techniques (hierarchical and Bayesian models). The ideal applicant will direct wetland ecology research linked to applied fish and wildlife research needs by cooperators within Missouri and beyond. The candidate will teach one graduate level class per year in their area of expertise and supervise graduate students and/or post-doctoral fellows. The Assistant Unit Leader (AUL) will serve in a dual capacity, employed, and paid by the USGS, yet holding a separate MU faculty appointment, without tenure, at a professorial level. The academic appointment will be made in the School of Natural Resources and be determined commensurate with qualifications. All MU faculty engage in teaching, research, and service, with research programs supplemented or supported by extramural funding. Requirements: For conditions of employment, qualifications & education requirements please see: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/820175500 About The University of Missouri and The School of Natural Resources. MU, the flagship institution in the University of Missouri System, has nearly 31,000 undergraduate and graduate students. It is a land grant institution and a member of the Association of American Universities. Located midway between St. Louis and Kansas City, Columbia is a vibrant small city (129,000) that is consistently ranked among the top such places to live. The School of Natural Resources awards Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Natural Resources and three B.S. degrees (Environmental Sciences; Natural Resources Science and Management; and Parks, Recreation and Sport). Detailed information about the programs, research infrastructure, and faculty is available at http://snr.missouri.edu. The School has robust collaborative ties to state and federal agencies charged with managing natural resources. Opportunities exist to collaborate with the newly established Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands, and Aquatic Systems in SNR, with state scientists from the Missouri Department of Conservation, and federal scientists with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and USGS (who both have offices in Columbia), and USDA Forest Service Northern Forest Research Station (unit housed on campus). Craig ******************************************** Craig Paukert Leader and Professor U.S. Geological Survey Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit The School of Natural Resources University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-3524 pauke...@missouri.edu<mailto:pauke...@missouri.edu> riverstudies.com<http://riverstudies.com/> ******************************************** To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp