Below is a request for proposals for desert tortoise conservation/management in the western Mojave. Please share with your networks. Folks can contact me ( for details on the program and help crafting proposals and NFWF staff (contact links below) for how to apply.
Clay Noss, Ph.D. Recovery and Sustainment Partnership (RASP) Coordinator Mojave Desert Land Trust Good Afternoon! The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the 2025 Mojave Desert Tortoise Recovery Partnership Request for Proposals (RFP). You are receiving this email because you or someone in your organization has expressed interest in this program, but please feel free to forward this on to anyone who may be interested. Up to $1 million will be available. Proposals are due *Thursday, February 27, 2025*. Please review the attached RFP or view on our website here <> for more information on funding priorities and instructions on submitting an application. Our Applicant Webinar will be held on December 12th, 2024 (register here <>). Award decisions will be announced in May 2025. In 2025, program priorities include the closure of unauthorized routes and habitat restoration, improving tortoise road crossings, species monitoring, head-starting and reintroduction, land acquisitions and conservation easements, and community outreach and education (among others!). Please reach out to me <>, Ramsey Raslan <>, or Kirstin Neff <>, if you have any questions. If you no longer wish to receive communications regarding this program, reply to this message with “Unsubscribe.” Very best, *Emma Wigger* Regional Programs Coordinator National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 202-888-1680 To unsubscribe from this list please go to