We are currently recruiting a PhD student for Fall 2025 to work jointly with the Williams Lab<http://www.corytwilliams.com/> and the Aubry Lab<https://liseaubry.wixsite.com/aubrypopecology/> at Colorado State University. The research project will focus on physiological ecology, population ecology, and/or life-history strategies of arctic ground squirrels, with field work taking place at Toolik Field Station in northern Alaska. Please provide a letter of interest to Cory Williams & Lise Aubry that describes your background and research interests and a copy of your CV: cory.willi...@colostate.edu<mailto:cory.willi...@colostate.edu>. Prospective graduate students may either apply to the Biology Graduate Program<https://www.biology.colostate.edu/degree-programs/> or the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology<https://ecology.colostate.edu/> (GDPE) (preferred deadline Dec 15th).
************************************* Dr. Lise M. Aubry (She/Her) Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology Colorado State University Email: lise.au...@colostate.edu<mailto:lise.au...@colostate.edu> Web: AubryPopEcol<https://liseaubry.wixsite.com/aubrypopecology/> ************************************* To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp