Hello DSpace Community,

I am working with a DSpace instance where I have enabled entities and am
using the default relationship-types.xml. I am attempting to create facets
and search filters in DSpace 8 to allow users to filter Publications based
on their related Journal, Journal Volume, and Journal Issue. Since these
entities reference each other by UUIDs, I’m looking for the best approach
to create relationship-based search filters in the discovery.xml.
Use Case & Requirements:


   *Publication Collection (Publication entity type):* I need to create
   facets for Journal, Journal Volume, and Journal Issue so users can filter
   Publications based on these related entities.

Challenges & Questions:


   *Facets for UUID-Based Relationships:* How can I configure discovery.xml
   to create search filters that rely on UUID-based relationships (such as
   journal.title, publicationvolume.volumeNumber, etc.) rather than standard
   metadata fields?

   *Best Practices & Example Configurations:* Has anyone successfully
   configured entity relationship-based faceted search in DSpace 8.x? If so,
   could you share best practices or working example configurations?

Looking forward to any insights or examples from the community! Any best
practices or working examples would be greatly appreciated.

Dibyendra Hyoju

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