Hi Jens,

I know this is possible, but documentation is currently missing it seems.  
This feature to allow two DSpace sites to communicate via Notify was added 
by the 4Science team.  

Here's the ticket where it was initially described (including a link to a 
video that shows the expected 
behavior): https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/issues/9644    Here's the PRs 
where the behavior was added https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/pull/9645 
and https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/pull/3113    (The first of 
those PRs has the basic steps listed for how to configure two DSpaces to 
talk to one another.)

If you manage to get it working, I'd very much appreciate better 
documentation in this area.  It seems to not yet be documented in any of 
the pages under https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC8x/COAR+Notify   So, 
if you (or anyone else reading this) are interested in helping to better 
document this, I'd appreciate it.


On Monday, February 10, 2025 at 9:24:04 AM UTC-6 Jens Witzel wrote:

> Hello everyone
> Question: Who has ever successfully set up two DS8 instances and had them 
> feed each other via LDN and COAR?
> For a better understanding in the future (and to take a closer look at the 
> killer feature ‘COAR Notify’ of DS8), we have set up two DS8 instances and 
> are now working on the configs and the documentation on 
> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC8x/COAR+Notify. As we understand 
> it, the local.cfg on both servers (I'll call them A and B) is extended by 
> *ldn.enabled=true *and then administered via the ‘COAR Notify’ admin menu:
> * Dashboard provides a nice overview of the ‘Number of
> received LDN’ and ‘Number of generated LDN’, i.e. Inbox/Outbox
> * LDN Services contains profiles about when, who and about what
> is informed
> This all looks very clear there - big praise to the makers 😊
> Now we have set up the profiles on both A and B to the best of our 
> knowledge and belief and classified them as mutually trustworthy. 
> Everything according to the instructions 
> https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSDOC8x/COAR+Notify
> If I now create a public item on one of the two servers, the LDN message 
> should go out to the other ... but the dashboard and the logs remain empty.
> What else needs to be activated or configured?
> The database has tables with the names notifypatterns_to, and 
> notifyservice_inbound_pattern.
> Who has experience here? A hint as to what we are thinking wrong, which 
> logs we should look at or what we should debug would be great.
> Many thanks and greetings from Zurich
> Jens & Martin
> -- 
> Jens Witzel
> Universität Zürich
> Zentrale Informatik
> Pfingstweidstrasse 60B
> CH-8005 Zürich
> mail:  jens....@uzh.ch
> phone: +41 44 63 56777
> http://www.zi.uzh.ch

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