Dear All,

We have DSpace 7.6.2 and Solr running in Docker containers. 
The default cores (authority, oai, search and statistics) are pre-created 

*precreate-core <core name> /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/authority*

When trying to run stats-util -s to shard the statistics core by year, the 
following exception occurs:

Exception: Error from server at ...: Error CREATEing SolrCore 
'statistics-2023': Unable to create core [statistics-2023] Caused by: Could 
not load configuration from directory 

*/var/solr/data/configsets/statistics*This folder does not actually exist. Is 
there some configuration that should be added to tell DSpace the correct 
path to the configsets folder?

Best regards,
Alfeu U. Tavares

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