We are pleased to announce the release of DSpace 8.1!  This release 
provides performance improvements, accessibility improvements and bug fixes 
to the 8.x platform. No new features are provided. As such, this release 
should be an easier upgrade for sites already running 8.x.

Download DSpace 8.1 

Major Bug fixes / improvements include:

   Performance Improvements in the User Interface
      Angular Server Side Rendering (SSR) has been updated to attempt to 
      reduce the CPU/memory necessary for managing bot traffic
         SSR is now only performed for paths in the sitemap by default. 
         by Vitor Silverio and Alan Orth)
         SSR is no longer performed for the search and browse components. 
         This ensures that embedded searches/browses on Community, Collection, 
         Item (Entity) pages are not triggered by search engine crawlers or 
bots. (Donated 
         by 4Science)
         Optionally, sites may configure SSR to occur via a separate, 
         private/localhost REST API URL. This may provide performance benefits 
as it 
         allows SSR processing to bypass DNS lookup. (Donated by 4Science)
      Ensure components are not sending requests for large sets of data 
      by 4Science)
      Edit Item page would sometimes fail to load or encounter an infinite 
      loop when visiting the version history page (Donated by Atmire)
      Workflow tasks loaded slowly when there were large numbers of groups 
      by PCG Academia)
      Reduced number of requests when loading the simple item page and 
      search results (Donated by Atmire)
      Browse pages were retrieving more data than necessary, resulting in 
      poor performance (Donated by Toni Prieto)
      Several administrative pages could encounter infinite loading errors. 
      (Donated by Atmire)
      Improve performance of Group caching to better support sites with 
      many Groups. (Donated by Alfeu U. Tavares)
      Reduced memory usage OAI-PMH full reindex (Donated by Toni Prieto)
   Accessibility improvements in User Interface
      Edit Item, Bitstreams tab was refactored to enhance keyboard control 
      by Atmire)
      Submission interface now supports keyboard reordering of multi-valued 
      fields: (Donated by 4Science)
      Ensured several pages have properly ordered HTML headings. (Donated 
      by 4Science)
      An invisible ARIA "live region" now exists which can communicate 
      notifications and page changes to screen readers (Donated by Atmire)
      All disabled buttons in DSpace are now accessible to users using a 
      screen reader. (Donated by Atmire)
      "All of DSpace" browse menu has improved keyboard navigation (Donated 
      by Atmire)
      Controlled Vocabulary tree-view has improved support for keyboard 
      navigation and screen readers (Donated by Neki-it)
      Many other accessibility enhancements listed in the Release Notes 
   ORCID integration fixes that were funded by the ORCID Global 
   Participation Fund and built by 4Science. These include ORCID 
   synchronization fixes, revoking of ORCID tokens, and display of ORCID icons 
   next to authors.
   Submission form bug fixes, including drag and drop fixes and dropdown 
   fixes. See the Release Notes for details
   Administrative bug fixes, including logging improvements, fixes to 
   Administrative UI pages and fixes to backend scripts. See the Release Notes 
   for details.
   Updates to various dependencies for security purposes (both for user 
   interface and backend)
   For a full list of changes and contributors in 8.1, see our Release Notes 

New and improved Language support

   Arabic (العربية) language updates donated by KnowledgeWare Technologies 
   Catalan (Català) language updates donated by Toni Prieto
   Czech (Čeština) language updates donated by Milan Majchrak
   French (Français) language updates donated by Pierre Lasou and Nima 
   German (Deutsch) language updates donated by Sascha Szott
   Hungarian (Magyar) language updates donated by Zoltán Kanász-Nagy
   Spanish (Español) language updates donated by Toni Prieto and Neki-it

A total of 56 individuals contributed to 8.1. For a full list of changes 
and contributors in 8.1, see our Release Notes 

Would you like to contribute towards our next major release (9.0)? 

DSpace 9.0 
<https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+Release+9.0+Status> will be 
released in May 2025. The first deadlines for contributing to this release 
arrive in late February, but there’s still time to get involved. We welcome 
contributions from anyone. Contributions may take the form of:

   Contributing money to our DSpace Development Fund 
   - All funds go directly towards development in the next release, and you 
   will be acknowledged on our DSpace Development Fund 
   Contributing code - As a volunteer developer you can determine which 
   issue ticket you’d like to work on. Join our weekly developer meetings 
   <https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/Developer+Meetings> or get in 
   touch with Tim Donohue <https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/~tdonohue> if 
   you have any questions.

If you’d like early information about DSpace 9.0, please consider joining 
our weekly developer meetings 
<https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/DSPACE/Developer+Meetings>, or follow 
along by reading the public notes of past meetings.

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