We have had problems with the indexing also.   There are several aspects - 
the slow rendering of the pages means sometimes the Google crawling is not 
completed.  The SEO metadata is not brilliant.   As a workaround we have 
had some success by substituting a light-weight SEO-enhanced metadata page 
to be picked up by bots ( the proxy detects a bot such as google and 
substitutes the lightweight page).  This has dramatically improved the web 
performance of the site (by taking of the bot load) and also significantly 
increased the indexing success of items.  

If you set up Google Search Console you should be able to see how well 
google is indexing your site and that will be something of a guideline of 
how well Scholar can pick up your site (indicative, as Scholar does it's 
own thing).

Adding the schema.org SEO and additional metadata helps with both dc 
metadata headers, file references and the  schema.org headers - eg

<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org/";, 
"Publication", "name": "General Practice Sleep Scale - The &quot;GPSS&quot; 
- A proposed new tool for use in General Practice for risk assessment of 
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": 
"Howarth, Timothy" }, "datePublished": " 2024-11-21", "description": "", 
"PT1M" } </script> 

Edmund Balnaves
Prosentient Systems

On Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 8:41:48 AM UTC+11 Michael Koch wrote:

> Since moving to DSpace 7 (and now 8) I have major problems with Google 
> Scholar (not) indexing our Items. 
> When I check the Google search console, I find the item-Pages indexed -
> with all the Highwire Meta Data in them.
> So far, so fine ...
> But Google Scholar does not know the papers.
> Checking the Inclusion Guidelines for Webmasters I found that for 
> inclusion in Scholar, the PDF file must be accessible and include the 
> correct year, title etc.
> ... and that the file has to have a name with .pdf at the end.
> Now, my bitstreams have links like 
> https://dl.eusset.eu/bitstreams/c51cfcb3-1ed0-491c-ad08-9e0a2ae26877/download
> ... so no .pdf at the end ...
> Could this be the problem?
> Any other suggestions?
> Michael

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