Fabio Pedretti <fabio.ped at> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |WORKSFORME
            Summary|GPU lockup: radeon: wait    |[radeon] GPU lockup:
                   |for empty RBBM fifo failed  |radeon: wait for empty RBBM
                   |! when playing sauerbraten  |fifo failed ! when playing
                   |                            |sauerbraten

--- Comment #1 from Fabio Pedretti <fabio.ped at> ---
After upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04 I cannot reproduce this issue. Note that I was
using current git of mesa/ati/libdrm with both 13.10 and 14.04. What changed
was the kernel and sauerbraten get updated. I also tried with the 13.10 kernel,
but the issue is no more reproducible.

It could be that the updated sauerbraten has a different path that doesn't
trigger this issue. Closing since I cannot reproduce it anymore anyway.

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