This patch moves the hdmi phy setting to smdk5250
dts,as its more of a per board configuration and
also shall be easier for supporting future chipsets.
Signed-off-by: Shirish S <s.shirish at>
 arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5250-smdk5250.dts |   74 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5250-smdk5250.dts 
index 2538b32..96e2cad 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5250-smdk5250.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5250-smdk5250.dts
@@ -220,6 +220,80 @@

        hdmi {
                hpd-gpio = <&gpx3 7 0>;
+               hdmiphy-configs {
+                       /*
+                       * Eye diagram test passed for:
+                       * Data de-emphasis: -0.7dB & Data Level: 880mV
+                       * i.e., 0010 0110 = 0x26
+                       * and Clock level of 515mV and diff 1030mV
+                       * i.e., 0x66
+                       */
+                       config0: config0 {
+                               pixel-clock = <25200000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config1: config1 {
+                               pixel-clock = <27000000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config2: config2 {
+                               pixel-clock = <27027000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config3: config3 {
+                               pixel-clock = <36000000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config4: config4 {
+                               pixel-clock = <40000000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config5: config5 {
+                               pixel-clock = <65000000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config6: config6 {
+                               pixel-clock = <74176000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config7: config7 {
+                               pixel-clock = <74250000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config8: config8 {
+                               pixel-clock = <83500000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config9: config9 {
+                               pixel-clock = <106500000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config10: config10 {
+                               pixel-clock = <108000000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config11: config11 {
+                               pixel-clock = <146250000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+                       config12: config12 {
+                               pixel-clock = <148500000>;
+                               config-de-emphasis-level =  /bits/ 8 <0x26>;
+                               config-clock-level =  /bits/ 8 < 0x66>;
+                       };
+               };

        codec at 11000000 {

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