> <johannesobermayr at gmx.de> wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, 30. April 2013, 06:06:22 schrieb Dave Airlie:
> >> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:17 AM, Johannes Obermayr
> >> <johannesobermayr at gmx.de> wrote:
> >> > Hi James,
> >> >
> >> > Linus recently released Kernel 3.9, merge window for Kernel 3.10 has 
> >> > been opened, and the question is whether drm-openchrome will be part of 
> >> > the new Kernel version.
> >>
> >> Johannes,
> >>
> >> you misunderstand merge window. The merge window is for stuff to go
> >> from toplevel maintainers to Linus, not for new stuff to appear and be
> >> merged.
> >
> > Dave,
> >
> > I know you maintain also a merge window for drm stuff which starts at ~ rc6.
> >
> > But I am unsure when it closes: When Linus opens his merge window or when 
> > you forward your main drm pull request to Linus.
> > First case means it is definitely too late for drm-openchrome in 3.10. 
> > Second case means there can be hope (depending on James' answer) ...
> >
> > But regarding your answer I assume first case is right.
> Once Linus opens his window, I won't accept anything major that hasn't
> been posted to the list for review before.
> I generally have a lag time of hoovering up on the list stuff, but
> something like this that has never been posted would have no hope.


        Sorry I didn't responded earlier. I was swamped at work with 
projects and conferences. After I got back from my last conference
Xavier informed me about this email and we had a discussion about
merging. Currently we have a external tree which is two years old but 
most of the work has happened in the last 8 months. The reason for
delaying mergering was to ensure most distros would be carrying the 
version of openchrome xorg driver that supports KMS. Today with that
barrier gone we have to deal with the drm-openchrome branch not being
in top shape. Since I have been back the tree has been cleaned up and 
the last show stoppers were checked in yesterday. Currently we support
LVDS, HDMI/DVI, and VGA outputs which cover most people. By no means is 
the kernel driver complete but it is usable. I would say the branch is
now ready for merger.
        Dave what is the best way to push this code? I am in no rush so 
I like to do it the right way. We have scattered history in the external 
tree but I would not lose sleep over its lost. I could just post pieces
of the code to this list for review. One choice is after all the code is 
reviewed is to then merge the branch. Another choice is to create a new 
branch for later merge that will be composed of the patches posted to this 
list. We lose the history but that is not to be of deal for me. Just let 
me know what you would like and I will start the process.

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