On Mon, 13 May 2013 15:02:46 +0200, Holger Schurig <holgerschurig at gmail.com> 
wrote :

> Thanks Dave, for the fast answer.
> I had a new attack of a "BWAAAH, since 5 years graphics drivers for X11 on
> Linux are a mess" moment. Things don't work out of the box, and if you try
> google-fu, then you get ton's of ancient, outdated or only halfways true
> information. Grrr.
> That's not downplaying your work or knowledge at all, Dave. It's just an
> outburst of a feeling!
> I installed xserver-xorg-video-modesettings (from Debian Wheezy) and also

The wheezy driver is too old, see:

So no wonder it doesn't work. You can try applying the patches manually
or just compiling a more recent version of xf86-video-modesetting. Make
yourself known on this debian bug if it fixes it for you.



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