On Fre, 2013-05-24 at 02:15 +0200, Sylvain BERTRAND wrote:
> In si.c, the PA_SC_RASTER_CONFIG register is set with a
> golden value in 'si_init_golden_registers' function but get
> set nearly immediately after in 'si_setup_rb' function at a finer
> level (for each sh block of each se block).
> If I remember well, that golden value would be again set to the
> golden value in mesa.
> Is there one golden value for all se/sh blocks?

AFAIK, yes.

> Or are there computed (then overwritting the golden value) values for
> each se/sh?

AFAICT the code doing this is quite broken and should probably be
removed at this point.

Earthling Michel D?nzer           |                   http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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