On Sat, 18 May 2013 14:23:19 -0400
Rob Clark <robdclark at gmail.com> wrote:

> > These parameters should not be there. It seems to me that the DT is the
> > right place.  
> You might not want to directly have a hard DT dependency in tda998x,
> as the encoder could be used on non-DT platforms.  Although a DT to
> encoder-params helper might be a nice idea for platforms which do have
> DT.

If I correctly understand:

- Russell does not use any DT, so his drm driver should be declared in
  some cubox-setup code in mach-dove/

- this code should also declare the tda998x

- the drm driver contains/passes parameters to the tda998x

As the connection Dove LCD <-> tda998x is Cubox specific, the question
is: why are'nt the tda998x parameters in the cubox-setup code?

Ken ar c'henta? |             ** Breizh ha Linux atav! **
Jef             |               http://moinejf.free.fr/

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