Hi all, First off, thanks to those who have already submitted topics to the Graphics and Display microconference!
For those who have not yet proposed, but plan to, please submit your topics as described here: http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2013/submitting-microconference-discussion-topics/ As we mentioned in the previous call, the final topics for the microconference need to be formally proposed and accepted. There are a number of great topics on the wiki, e.g., splitting DRM and KMS APIs onto separate device nodes, or extending KMS to address newer device features, which are in need of someone to represent them in the microconference. The conference planning committee will base allocation of microconference slots and scheduling on the number and depth of topics, so this is critical. Also, we have received word from the committee that the conference is already more than 2/3 full, and attendance is limited, so please register as soon as you can. If you have any questions or concerns about the microconference, please feel free to contact us. Looking forward to seeing everyone in New Orleans. Thanks in advance, Laurent Pinchart (laurent 'dot' pinchart 'at' ideasonboard 'dot' com) Jesse Barker (jesse 'dot' barker 'at' arm 'dot' com)