On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:51 PM, "David M?ller (ELSOFT AG)"
<d.mueller at elsoft.ch> wrote:
> Hello
> I have a problem using a 1024x768 Eizo Monitor attached by DVI-D to a
> system with GMA500 based graphics and running under Linux-3.7.
> As soon as the GMA500 driver is taking over control, the refresh
> rate raises to 64.5Hz and the monitor reports a "signal error".
> For me i looks like the GMA500 driver is reprogramming the VCO to a too
> high dot clock. If i lower the "I9XX_VCO_MIN" value to 1300000,
> everything is fine.
> Is the "I9XX_VCO_MIN" value used in the GMA500 driver correct?
> Dave

Hi Dave
The value of VCO_MIN comes from the Intel PRM for similar GPUs.

Instead of changing VCO_MIN, could you try setting N_MIN=1, N_MAX=6 and
M1_MAX=22? I'll test it on my own hardware tomorrow.


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