On 02/06/2013 09:51 AM, Inki Dae wrote: [...] > I think that it's better to go to gpu than media and we can divide Exynos > IPs into the bellow categories, > > Media : mfc > GPU : g2d, g3d, fimc, gsc
Heh, nice try! :) GPU and FIMC ? FIMC is a camera subsystem (hence 'C' in the acronym), so what it has really to do with GPU ? All right, this IP has really two functions: camera capture and video post-processing (colorspace conversion, scaling), but the main feature is camera capture (fimc-lite is a camera capture interface IP only). Also, Exynos5 GScaler is used as a DMA engine for camera capture data pipelines, so it will be used by a camera capture driver as well. It really belongs to "Media" and "GPU", as this is a multifunctional device (similarly to FIMC). So I propose following classification, which seems less inaccurate: GPU: g2d, g3d Media: mfc, fimc, fimc-lite, fimc-is, mipi-csis, gsc Video: fimd, hdmi, eDP, mipi-dsim I have already a DT bindings description prepared for fimc [1]. (probably it needs to be rephrased a bit not to refer to the linux device model). I put it in Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/soc, but likely there is no need for the 'soc' subdirectory... > Video : fimd, hdmi, eDP, MIPI-DSI > > And I think that the device-tree describes hardware so possibly, all > documents in .../bindings/drm/exynos/* should be moved to proper place also. > Please give me any opinions. Yes, I agree. If possible, it would be nice to have some Linux API agnostic locations. [1] goo.gl/eTGOl -- Thanks, Sylwester