Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart+renesas at>
 arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-marzen.c | 77 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-marzen.c 
index 6499f1a..be1b7cb 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-marzen.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-marzen.c
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 #include <linux/mmc/host.h>
 #include <linux/mmc/sh_mobile_sdhi.h>
 #include <linux/mfd/tmio.h>
+#include <video/panel-dpi.h>
+#include <video/videomode.h>
 #include <mach/r8a7779.h>
 #include <mach/common.h>
 #include <mach/irqs.h>
@@ -174,35 +176,56 @@ static struct platform_device hspi_device = {
  * The panel only specifies the [hv]display and [hv]total values. The position
  * and width of the sync pulses don't matter, they're copied from VESA timings.
-static struct rcar_du_encoder_data du_encoders[] = {
+static const struct videomode marzen_panel_mode = {
+       .pixelclock = 65000000,
+       .hactive = 1024,
+       .hfront_porch = 24,
+       .hback_porch = 160,
+       .hsync_len = 136,
+       .vactive = 768,
+       .vfront_porch = 3,
+       .vback_porch = 29,
+       .vsync_len = 6,
+static const struct panel_dpi_platform_data marzen_panel_data = {
+       .width = 210,
+       .height = 158,
+       .mode = &marzen_panel_mode,
+static const struct display_entity_graph_data marzen_du_entities[] = {
-               .type = RCAR_DU_ENCODER_VGA,
-               .output = RCAR_DU_OUTPUT_DPAD0,
+               .name = "adv7123",
+               .sources = (const struct display_entity_source_data[]) {
+                       {
+                               .name = "rcar-du",
+                               .port = 0,
+                       },
+               },
        }, {
-               .type = RCAR_DU_ENCODER_LVDS,
-               .output = RCAR_DU_OUTPUT_DPAD1,
-               .connector.lvds.panel = {
-                       .width_mm = 210,
-                       .height_mm = 158,
-                       .mode = {
-                               .clock = 65000,
-                               .hdisplay = 1024,
-                               .hsync_start = 1048,
-                               .hsync_end = 1184,
-                               .htotal = 1344,
-                               .vdisplay = 768,
-                               .vsync_start = 771,
-                               .vsync_end = 777,
-                               .vtotal = 806,
-                               .flags = 0,
+               .name = "con-vga",
+               .sources = (const struct display_entity_source_data[]) {
+                       {
+                               .name = "adv7123",
+                               .port = 1,
+       }, {
+               .name = "panel-dpi",
+               .sources = (const struct display_entity_source_data[]) {
+                       {
+                               .name = "rcar-du",
+                               .port = 1,
+                       },
+               },
+       }, {

-static const struct rcar_du_platform_data du_pdata __initconst = {
-       .encoders = du_encoders,
-       .num_encoders = ARRAY_SIZE(du_encoders),
+static const struct rcar_du_platform_data marzen_du_pdata __initconst = {
+       .graph = marzen_du_entities,

 static const struct resource du_resources[] __initconst = {
@@ -217,8 +240,8 @@ static void __init marzen_add_du_device(void)
                .id = -1,
                .res = du_resources,
                .num_res = ARRAY_SIZE(du_resources),
-               .data = &du_pdata,
-               .size_data = sizeof(du_pdata),
+               .data = &marzen_du_pdata,
+               .size_data = sizeof(marzen_du_pdata),
                .dma_mask = DMA_BIT_MASK(32),

@@ -327,6 +350,12 @@ static void __init marzen_init(void)
        platform_add_devices(marzen_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(marzen_devices));
+       platform_device_register_simple("adv7123", -1, NULL, 0);
+       platform_device_register_simple("con-vga", -1, NULL, 0);
+       platform_device_register_data(&platform_bus, "panel-dpi", -1,
+                                     &marzen_panel_data,
+                                     sizeof(marzen_panel_data));

 static const char *marzen_boards_compat_dt[] __initdata = {

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