
I would not mind improving use of my Asus EeePC X101CH with Cedar View / gma3600
a bit more. But a barrier is knowledge of the hardware. Meddling with existing 
code is possible, but for point 1 and 3 below that is not going to cut, it, I 

Does anyone have pointers? Who should I talk to about specifications?
I know Intel is not forthcoming with documentation, yet several people have
made contributions for poulsbo and later versions of the hardware.
How did you get the required knowledge?

Things I might, in order of personal preference, in due time (after holiday), 
take a look at:
1) would be nice to have the full 1024x600 on the external VGA and HDMI
   I had a chance to try another monitor over HDMI, same result: only 800x600 
2) booting with either VGA or HDMI plugged in, yields two black screens: both 
the laptop
   and the monitor. Un- + re-plugging has no visible effect.
3) the Fn keys for the backlight induce a response in the backlight, but only 
   tiny results; /sys/class/backlight/psb-bl/brightness works fine, though
4) when using modules, initialization from hibernation is not good enough:
   my screen stays black; without using modules, the kernel boots normally, and 
everything is fine.
5) initialization from suspend is not good enough: my Asus stays in
   some text mode (80x25?), but shows garbage (possibly data from the desired 
console or
   graphics mode, since sometimes there are reactions correlated to actions)
   Switching tty or using `chvt` do not improve anything.
   NB: hibernating and booting solves this.

> Your patch has been applied to:
> https://github.com/patjak/drm-gma500.git gma500-next


> We might also consider polling if this causes problems for people, but for now
> this is fine.

The Display Port was already hotpluggable; the Asus has no such connector,
but is not bothered by polling (status is and remains 'disconnected').
That makes me hopeful that hardware without VGA or HDMI connectors will not be
negatively affected. But given the 5 points above, there's no guarantee.

> No biggie, but your tabs where converted to spaces so I recommend
> running checkpatch.pl before submitting.

woops, my mistake. will run checkpatch.pl next time.


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