On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 08:50 +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> > > The second case with no firmware is a bit more surprising, looks like
> > > something bad happened on the PCI express bus or the kernel tried to
> > > access something that the card rejected (target abort or PCIe
> > > equivalent most likely), thus triggering a PLB error . That could be
> > > investigated a bit more.
> AFAICT in both cases the immediate problem is the PLB error on first
> access to VRAM, indicating some kind of problem with ioremap_wc() or
> generally PCIe device memory access.

I think the problem here is more along the lines of >32-bit physical
memory and ttm screwing up the physical addresses before mapping the
vram object.

Tony (CC) has some patches to address that part (for use with a 476
which is cache coherent, we got evergreen working on that).

I think he hasn't yet "polished" the patches enough (ie fixed all the
drivers for the change in types) but basically, quite a few places in
there need to store physical addresses in resource_size_t instead of

> > Anyway after nearly ten years, due a lack in resources, i'm sadly going
> > to suspend the CRUX PPC project and my activism pro free
> > software thus i'm unable to follow these debug. I'll hold on to me
> > the only YDL Powerstation then from the next weeks i'll can only follow
> > trying to help in debug [1] on this specific machine.  
> > 
> > [1]http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2012-January/018575.html
> For that one, I'd try adding some more debugging output to
> radeon_get_bios() to find out which method it ends up using to retrieve
> the ROM contents, and why it doesn't look like it's an ATOM BIOS.

Is it an Apple card or an x86 card ? Apple cards don't have the BIOS in
the right place unfortunately.


> Does the same card work in an x86 machine?
> -- 
> Earthling Michel D?nzer           |                   http://www.amd.com
> Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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