Dear Ilija,
Am Mittwoch, den 01.02.2012, 17:07 -0500 schrieb Ilija Hadzic:


> +#define I2F_MAX_BITS 15
> +#define I2F_MAX_INPUT  ((2 << I2F_MAX_BITS) - 1)
> +#define I2F_SHIFT (24 - I2F_MAX_BITS)
> +
> +/*
> + * converts unsigned integer into 32-bit IEEE floating point representation;
> + * conversion is not universal and only works for the range from 0
> + * to 2^^I2F_MAX_BITS-1; currently we only use it with inputs between
> + * 0 and 16384 (inclusive), so I2F_MAX_BITS=15 is enough; if necessary
> + * I2F_MAX_BITS can be increased, but that will add to loop iterations

should that be t*w*o?

> + * and slow us down; conversion is done by shifting the input and counting
> + * down until the first 1 reaches bit position 23; the resulting counter
> + * and the shifted input are the exponent and the fraction; the sign is
> + * always zero
> + */

I like sentences with capital starting letter and full stop at the end
better. But I do not know if there are any guidelines for that.



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