Am Freitag, den 21.12.2012, 15:57 +0200 schrieb Terje Bergstr?m:
> On 21.12.2012 15:50, Lucas Stach wrote:
> > This has to be resolved before merging. Personally I'm in favour of
> > keeping reg access patterns close to what is done in other parts of the
> > kernel.
> I haven't so far received comments from too many people, so that's why I
> left it as is.
> >>  * Uses still CMA helpers. IOMMU support will replace CMA with host1x
> >>    specific allocator.
> > 
> > I really want the allocator issue resolved before talking about merging
> > those patches. Proper IOMMU support will require a bit of rework of the
> > current upstream IOMMU API, so it will still be a bit out.
> > 
> > But if you don't mind I'll try to implement the host1x allocator over
> > the holidays and provide an incremental patch.
> Do you mean host1x CMA allocator using dma mapping API? That'd be great
> if you could help out. I've just tried to concentrate on getting ok for
> base essentials before doing any extra work.
Yes, exactly that.

I'll provide comments to the other patches when I find time to do so.
Digging in the code might help with this.


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