Dear Ian,
Am Samstag, den 11.08.2012, 10:38 -0500 schrieb Ian Pilcher:
> On 08/11/2012 03:31 AM, Paul Menzel wrote:
> > As a side note, could you also mention the patch iteration in the tag,
> > that means [PATCH vN] so that I know what is the latest version. That
> > would be great.
> Can you (or anyone else reading this) point me to how to do this with
> git send-email?

No, but you can do that with `git format-patch` [3].

    git format-patch --subject-prefix="PATCH v6" ?

> > I would submit adding the new quirk flags and the LG quirk as separate
> > patches. If it is not too much work, it would be great if you could
> > split them up.
> Does git provide any facility to make this easier?  As far as I can
> tell, the process is to start over with a newly cloned repository,
> apply the current patch, manually back out the changes that I want to
> separate, commit, manually redo the separate changes, and commit
> again.  Is that correct?

Kind of. But you can do that in the same clone within your

Basically you go before your commit and then use `git add -p` to add
only the hunks to the commit you need [4][5]. Do not worry that your
changes get lost. `git reflog` still shows you the commit hash of your
original patch. You can always go back to that by doing `git reset
--hard <that hash>` or checking it out in another branch `git checkout
-b myoldpatch_v5 <that hash>`.

You can read the manual with `git help commandname` like `git help add`.
The folks in #git on are also very helpful.


> >> +DEFINE_MUTEX(edid_quirk_list_mutex);
> >> +
> >> +/**
> >> + * drm_edid_mfg_format - format an "encoded" EDID manufacturer ID for 
> >> printing
> >> + * @mfg_id: the encoded manufacturer ID
> >> + * @buf: destination buffer for the formated manufacturer ID (minimum 7 
> >> bytes)
> > 
> > format*t*ed
> > 
> >
> Thanks for catching that.  I keep finding little typos like that; very
> annoying.

Well, it was the only typo I found. I thought you are using a spell
checker already.


> I can't think of a way to provide anything useful within the scope of a
> parameter description.  Any suggestions?

Maybe just say give an example `vendor:model:quirk`.

> A URL would be great, but what would it be?  (I don't have a personal
> web site, and that doesn't seem really appropriate anyway.);a=blob;f=drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c

> > Thanks again for that great patch. With the comments addressed above you
> > can add my acknowledgment.
> > 
> > Acked-by: Paul Menzel <paulepanter at>
> Thank you for your feedback.
> Are you saying that I should add the acked-by?  If so, how?  (You can
> probably tell that I'm really struggling with git.)

That is very easy: `git commit --amend` to just edit the commit message.

You can edit the other changes above, by editing the appropriate files
and then doing `git commit --amend -a`. This adds all changes in files
known to Git also to the last commit.

> > I am going to try to test that patch too for a Philips and LG TV [2].
> I hope it helps.

We will see tomorrow.



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