From: Jerome Glisse <>

ttm_backend will exist only and only with a ttm_tt, and ttm_tt
will be of interesting use only when bind to a backend. Thus to
avoid code & data duplication btw the two merge them.

Signed-off-by: Jerome Glisse <jglisse at>
 drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo.c    |   14 ++-
 drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drv.h   |    5 +-
 drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_sgdma.c |  188 ++++++++++++--------------
 drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_ttm.c     |  222 ++++++++++++-------------------
 drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_agp_backend.c   |   88 +++++--------
 drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c            |    9 +-
 drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_tt.c            |   59 ++-------
 drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c  |   66 +++------
 include/drm/ttm/ttm_bo_driver.h         |  104 ++++++---------
 9 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 460 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo.c 
index 7226f41..b060fa4 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_bo.c
@@ -343,8 +343,10 @@ nouveau_bo_wr32(struct nouveau_bo *nvbo, unsigned index, 
u32 val)
                *mem = val;

-static struct ttm_backend *
-nouveau_bo_create_ttm_backend_entry(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev)
+static struct ttm_tt *
+nouveau_ttm_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                     unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                     struct page *dummy_read_page)
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = nouveau_bdev(bdev);
        struct drm_device *dev = dev_priv->dev;
@@ -352,11 +354,13 @@ nouveau_bo_create_ttm_backend_entry(struct ttm_bo_device 
        switch (dev_priv->gart_info.type) {
 #if __OS_HAS_AGP
        case NOUVEAU_GART_AGP:
-               return ttm_agp_backend_init(bdev, dev->agp->bridge);
+               return ttm_agp_tt_create(bdev, dev->agp->bridge,
+                                        size, page_flags, dummy_read_page);
        case NOUVEAU_GART_PDMA:
        case NOUVEAU_GART_HW:
-               return nouveau_sgdma_init_ttm(dev);
+               return nouveau_sgdma_create_ttm(bdev, size, page_flags,
+                                               dummy_read_page);
                NV_ERROR(dev, "Unknown GART type %d\n",
@@ -1045,7 +1049,7 @@ nouveau_bo_fence(struct nouveau_bo *nvbo, struct 
nouveau_fence *fence)

 struct ttm_bo_driver nouveau_bo_driver = {
-       .create_ttm_backend_entry = nouveau_bo_create_ttm_backend_entry,
+       .ttm_tt_create = &nouveau_ttm_tt_create,
        .invalidate_caches = nouveau_bo_invalidate_caches,
        .init_mem_type = nouveau_bo_init_mem_type,
        .evict_flags = nouveau_bo_evict_flags,
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drv.h 
index 29837da..0c53e39 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drv.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drv.h
@@ -1000,7 +1000,10 @@ extern int nouveau_sgdma_init(struct drm_device *);
 extern void nouveau_sgdma_takedown(struct drm_device *);
 extern uint32_t nouveau_sgdma_get_physical(struct drm_device *,
                                           uint32_t offset);
-extern struct ttm_backend *nouveau_sgdma_init_ttm(struct drm_device *);
+extern struct ttm_tt *nouveau_sgdma_create_ttm(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                                              unsigned long size,
+                                              uint32_t page_flags,
+                                              struct page *dummy_read_page);

 /* nouveau_debugfs.c */
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_sgdma.c 
index b75258a..bc2ab90 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_sgdma.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_sgdma.c
@@ -8,44 +8,23 @@

 struct nouveau_sgdma_be {
-       struct ttm_backend backend;
+       struct ttm_tt ttm;
        struct drm_device *dev;
-       dma_addr_t *pages;
-       unsigned nr_pages;
-       bool unmap_pages;
        u64 offset;
-       bool bound;

 static int
-nouveau_sgdma_populate(struct ttm_backend *be, unsigned long num_pages,
-                      struct page **pages, struct page *dummy_read_page,
-                      dma_addr_t *dma_addrs)
+nouveau_sgdma_dma_map(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_device *dev = nvbe->dev;
        int i;

-       NV_DEBUG(nvbe->dev, "num_pages = %ld\n", num_pages);
-       nvbe->pages = dma_addrs;
-       nvbe->nr_pages = num_pages;
-       nvbe->unmap_pages = true;
-       /* this code path isn't called and is incorrect anyways */
-       if (0) { /* dma_addrs[0] != DMA_ERROR_CODE) { */
-               nvbe->unmap_pages = false;
-               return 0;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < num_pages; i++) {
-               nvbe->pages[i] = pci_map_page(dev->pdev, pages[i], 0,
-                                             PAGE_SIZE, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
-               if (pci_dma_mapping_error(dev->pdev, nvbe->pages[i])) {
-                       nvbe->nr_pages = --i;
-                       be->func->clear(be);
+       for (i = 0; i < ttm->num_pages; i++) {
+               ttm->dma_address[i] = pci_map_page(dev->pdev, ttm->pages[i],
+                                                  0, PAGE_SIZE,
+                                                  PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+               if (pci_dma_mapping_error(dev->pdev, ttm->dma_address[i])) {
                        return -EFAULT;
@@ -54,53 +33,52 @@ nouveau_sgdma_populate(struct ttm_backend *be, unsigned 
long num_pages,

 static void
-nouveau_sgdma_clear(struct ttm_backend *be)
+nouveau_sgdma_dma_unmap(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_device *dev = nvbe->dev;
+       int i;

-       if (nvbe->bound)
-               be->func->unbind(be);
-       if (nvbe->unmap_pages) {
-               while (nvbe->nr_pages--) {
-                       pci_unmap_page(dev->pdev, nvbe->pages[nvbe->nr_pages],
+       for (i = 0; i < ttm->num_pages; i++) {
+               if (ttm->dma_address[i]) {
+                       pci_unmap_page(dev->pdev, ttm->dma_address[i],
                                       PAGE_SIZE, PCI_DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL);
+               ttm->dma_address[i] = 0;

 static void
-nouveau_sgdma_destroy(struct ttm_backend *be)
+nouveau_sgdma_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;

-       if (be) {
+       if (ttm) {
                NV_DEBUG(nvbe->dev, "\n");
-               if (nvbe) {
-                       if (nvbe->pages)
-                               be->func->clear(be);
-                       kfree(nvbe);
-               }
+               kfree(nvbe);

 static int
-nv04_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
+nv04_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_device *dev = nvbe->dev;
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = dev->dev_private;
        struct nouveau_gpuobj *gpuobj = dev_priv->gart_info.sg_ctxdma;
        unsigned i, j, pte;
+       int r;

        NV_DEBUG(dev, "pg=0x%lx\n", mem->start);
+       r = nouveau_sgdma_dma_map(ttm);
+       if (r) {
+               return r;
+       }

        nvbe->offset = mem->start << PAGE_SHIFT;
        pte = (nvbe->offset >> NV_CTXDMA_PAGE_SHIFT) + 2;
-       for (i = 0; i < nvbe->nr_pages; i++) {
-               dma_addr_t dma_offset = nvbe->pages[i];
+       for (i = 0; i < ttm->num_pages; i++) {
+               dma_addr_t dma_offset = ttm->dma_address[i];
                uint32_t offset_l = lower_32_bits(dma_offset);

                for (j = 0; j < PAGE_SIZE / NV_CTXDMA_PAGE_SIZE; j++, pte++) {
@@ -109,14 +87,13 @@ nv04_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct ttm_mem_reg 

-       nvbe->bound = true;
        return 0;

 static int
-nv04_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)
+nv04_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_device *dev = nvbe->dev;
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = dev->dev_private;
        struct nouveau_gpuobj *gpuobj = dev_priv->gart_info.sg_ctxdma;
@@ -124,22 +101,20 @@ nv04_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)

        NV_DEBUG(dev, "\n");

-       if (!nvbe->bound)
+       if (ttm->state != tt_bound)
                return 0;

        pte = (nvbe->offset >> NV_CTXDMA_PAGE_SHIFT) + 2;
-       for (i = 0; i < nvbe->nr_pages; i++) {
+       for (i = 0; i < ttm->num_pages; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < PAGE_SIZE / NV_CTXDMA_PAGE_SIZE; j++, pte++)
                        nv_wo32(gpuobj, (pte * 4) + 0, 0x00000000);

-       nvbe->bound = false;
+       nouveau_sgdma_dma_unmap(ttm);
        return 0;

 static struct ttm_backend_func nv04_sgdma_backend = {
-       .populate               = nouveau_sgdma_populate,
-       .clear                  = nouveau_sgdma_clear,
        .bind                   = nv04_sgdma_bind,
        .unbind                 = nv04_sgdma_unbind,
        .destroy                = nouveau_sgdma_destroy
@@ -158,16 +133,21 @@ nv41_sgdma_flush(struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe)

 static int
-nv41_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
+nv41_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = nvbe->dev->dev_private;
        struct nouveau_gpuobj *pgt = dev_priv->gart_info.sg_ctxdma;
-       dma_addr_t *list = nvbe->pages;
+       dma_addr_t *list = ttm->dma_address;
        u32 pte = mem->start << 2;
-       u32 cnt = nvbe->nr_pages;
+       u32 cnt = ttm->num_pages;
+       int r;

        nvbe->offset = mem->start << PAGE_SHIFT;
+       r = nouveau_sgdma_dma_map(ttm);
+       if (r) {
+               return r;
+       }

        while (cnt--) {
                nv_wo32(pgt, pte, (*list++ >> 7) | 1);
@@ -175,18 +155,17 @@ nv41_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct 
ttm_mem_reg *mem)

-       nvbe->bound = true;
        return 0;

 static int
-nv41_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)
+nv41_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = nvbe->dev->dev_private;
        struct nouveau_gpuobj *pgt = dev_priv->gart_info.sg_ctxdma;
        u32 pte = (nvbe->offset >> 12) << 2;
-       u32 cnt = nvbe->nr_pages;
+       u32 cnt = ttm->num_pages;

        while (cnt--) {
                nv_wo32(pgt, pte, 0x00000000);
@@ -194,24 +173,23 @@ nv41_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)

-       nvbe->bound = false;
+       nouveau_sgdma_dma_unmap(ttm);
        return 0;

 static struct ttm_backend_func nv41_sgdma_backend = {
-       .populate               = nouveau_sgdma_populate,
-       .clear                  = nouveau_sgdma_clear,
        .bind                   = nv41_sgdma_bind,
        .unbind                 = nv41_sgdma_unbind,
        .destroy                = nouveau_sgdma_destroy

 static void
-nv44_sgdma_flush(struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe)
+nv44_sgdma_flush(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_device *dev = nvbe->dev;

-       nv_wr32(dev, 0x100814, (nvbe->nr_pages - 1) << 12);
+       nv_wr32(dev, 0x100814, (ttm->num_pages - 1) << 12);
        nv_wr32(dev, 0x100808, nvbe->offset | 0x20);
        if (!nv_wait(dev, 0x100808, 0x00000001, 0x00000001))
                NV_ERROR(dev, "gart flush timeout: 0x%08x\n",
@@ -270,17 +248,21 @@ nv44_sgdma_fill(struct nouveau_gpuobj *pgt, dma_addr_t 
*list, u32 base, u32 cnt)

 static int
-nv44_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
+nv44_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = nvbe->dev->dev_private;
        struct nouveau_gpuobj *pgt = dev_priv->gart_info.sg_ctxdma;
-       dma_addr_t *list = nvbe->pages;
+       dma_addr_t *list = ttm->dma_address;
        u32 pte = mem->start << 2, tmp[4];
-       u32 cnt = nvbe->nr_pages;
-       int i;
+       u32 cnt = ttm->num_pages;
+       int i, r;

        nvbe->offset = mem->start << PAGE_SHIFT;
+       r = nouveau_sgdma_dma_map(ttm);
+       if (r) {
+               return r;
+       }

        if (pte & 0x0000000c) {
                u32  max = 4 - ((pte >> 2) & 0x3);
@@ -305,19 +287,18 @@ nv44_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct 
ttm_mem_reg *mem)
        if (cnt)
                nv44_sgdma_fill(pgt, list, pte, cnt);

-       nv44_sgdma_flush(nvbe);
-       nvbe->bound = true;
+       nv44_sgdma_flush(ttm);
        return 0;

 static int
-nv44_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)
+nv44_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
+       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)ttm;
        struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = nvbe->dev->dev_private;
        struct nouveau_gpuobj *pgt = dev_priv->gart_info.sg_ctxdma;
        u32 pte = (nvbe->offset >> 12) << 2;
-       u32 cnt = nvbe->nr_pages;
+       u32 cnt = ttm->num_pages;

        if (pte & 0x0000000c) {
                u32  max = 4 - ((pte >> 2) & 0x3);
@@ -339,55 +320,53 @@ nv44_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)
        if (cnt)
                nv44_sgdma_fill(pgt, NULL, pte, cnt);

-       nv44_sgdma_flush(nvbe);
-       nvbe->bound = false;
+       nv44_sgdma_flush(ttm);
+       nouveau_sgdma_dma_unmap(ttm);
        return 0;

 static struct ttm_backend_func nv44_sgdma_backend = {
-       .populate               = nouveau_sgdma_populate,
-       .clear                  = nouveau_sgdma_clear,
        .bind                   = nv44_sgdma_bind,
        .unbind                 = nv44_sgdma_unbind,
        .destroy                = nouveau_sgdma_destroy

 static int
-nv50_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_backend *be, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
+nv50_sgdma_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
        struct nouveau_mem *node = mem->mm_node;
+       int r;
        /* noop: bound in move_notify() */
-       node->pages = nvbe->pages;
-       nvbe->pages = (dma_addr_t *)node;
-       nvbe->bound = true;
+       r = nouveau_sgdma_dma_map(ttm);
+       if (r) {
+               return r;
+       }
+       node->pages = ttm->dma_address;
        return 0;

 static int
-nv50_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_backend *be)
+nv50_sgdma_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe = (struct nouveau_sgdma_be *)be;
-       struct nouveau_mem *node = (struct nouveau_mem *)nvbe->pages;
        /* noop: unbound in move_notify() */
-       nvbe->pages = node->pages;
-       node->pages = NULL;
-       nvbe->bound = false;
+       nouveau_sgdma_dma_unmap(ttm);
        return 0;

 static struct ttm_backend_func nv50_sgdma_backend = {
-       .populate               = nouveau_sgdma_populate,
-       .clear                  = nouveau_sgdma_clear,
        .bind                   = nv50_sgdma_bind,
        .unbind                 = nv50_sgdma_unbind,
        .destroy                = nouveau_sgdma_destroy

-struct ttm_backend *
-nouveau_sgdma_init_ttm(struct drm_device *dev)
+struct ttm_tt *
+nouveau_sgdma_create_ttm(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                        unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                        struct page *dummy_read_page)
-       struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = dev->dev_private;
+       struct drm_nouveau_private *dev_priv = nouveau_bdev(bdev);
+       struct drm_device *dev = dev_priv->dev;
        struct nouveau_sgdma_be *nvbe;

        nvbe = kzalloc(sizeof(*nvbe), GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -395,9 +374,12 @@ nouveau_sgdma_init_ttm(struct drm_device *dev)
                return NULL;

        nvbe->dev = dev;
+       nvbe->ttm.func = dev_priv->gart_info.func;

-       nvbe->backend.func = dev_priv->gart_info.func;
-       return &nvbe->backend;
+       if (ttm_tt_init(&nvbe->ttm, bdev, size, page_flags, dummy_read_page)) {
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       return &nvbe->ttm;

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_ttm.c 
index 97c76ae..53ff62b 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_ttm.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_ttm.c
@@ -114,24 +114,6 @@ static void radeon_ttm_global_fini(struct radeon_device 

-struct ttm_backend *radeon_ttm_backend_create(struct radeon_device *rdev);
-static struct ttm_backend*
-radeon_create_ttm_backend_entry(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev)
-       struct radeon_device *rdev;
-       rdev = radeon_get_rdev(bdev);
-#if __OS_HAS_AGP
-       if (rdev->flags & RADEON_IS_AGP) {
-               return ttm_agp_backend_init(bdev, rdev->ddev->agp->bridge);
-       } else
-       {
-               return radeon_ttm_backend_create(rdev);
-       }
 static int radeon_invalidate_caches(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev, uint32_t flags)
        return 0;
@@ -515,8 +497,93 @@ static bool radeon_sync_obj_signaled(void *sync_obj, void 
        return radeon_fence_signaled((struct radeon_fence *)sync_obj);

+ * TTM backend functions.
+ */
+struct radeon_ttm_tt {
+       struct ttm_tt                   ttm;
+       struct radeon_device            *rdev;
+       u64                             offset;
+static int radeon_ttm_backend_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm,
+                                  struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
+       struct radeon_ttm_tt *gtt;
+       int r;
+       gtt = container_of(ttm, struct radeon_ttm_tt, ttm);
+       gtt->offset = (unsigned long)(bo_mem->start << PAGE_SHIFT);
+       if (!ttm->num_pages) {
+               WARN(1, "nothing to bind %lu pages for mreg %p back %p!\n",
+                    ttm->num_pages, bo_mem, ttm);
+       }
+       r = radeon_gart_bind(gtt->rdev, gtt->offset,
+                            ttm->num_pages, ttm->pages, ttm->dma_address);
+       if (r) {
+               DRM_ERROR("failed to bind %lu pages at 0x%08X\n",
+                         ttm->num_pages, (unsigned)gtt->offset);
+               return r;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int radeon_ttm_backend_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
+       struct radeon_ttm_tt *gtt;
+       gtt = container_of(ttm, struct radeon_ttm_tt, ttm);
+       radeon_gart_unbind(gtt->rdev, gtt->offset, ttm->num_pages);
+       return 0;
+static void radeon_ttm_backend_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
+       struct radeon_ttm_tt *gtt;
+       gtt = container_of(ttm, struct radeon_ttm_tt, ttm);
+       if (ttm->state == tt_bound) {
+               radeon_ttm_backend_unbind(ttm);
+       }
+       kfree(gtt);
+static struct ttm_backend_func radeon_backend_func = {
+       .bind = &radeon_ttm_backend_bind,
+       .unbind = &radeon_ttm_backend_unbind,
+       .destroy = &radeon_ttm_backend_destroy,
+struct ttm_tt *radeon_ttm_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                                   unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                                   struct page *dummy_read_page)
+       struct radeon_device *rdev;
+       struct radeon_ttm_tt *gtt;
+       rdev = radeon_get_rdev(bdev);
+#if __OS_HAS_AGP
+       if (rdev->flags & RADEON_IS_AGP) {
+               return ttm_agp_tt_create(bdev, rdev->ddev->agp->bridge,
+                                        size, page_flags, dummy_read_page);
+       }
+       gtt = kzalloc(sizeof(struct radeon_ttm_tt), GFP_KERNEL);
+       if (gtt == NULL) {
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       gtt->ttm.func = &radeon_backend_func;
+       gtt->rdev = rdev;
+       if (ttm_tt_init(&gtt->ttm, bdev, size, page_flags, dummy_read_page)) {
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       return &gtt->ttm;
 static struct ttm_bo_driver radeon_bo_driver = {
-       .create_ttm_backend_entry = &radeon_create_ttm_backend_entry,
+       .ttm_tt_create = &radeon_ttm_tt_create,
        .invalidate_caches = &radeon_invalidate_caches,
        .init_mem_type = &radeon_init_mem_type,
        .evict_flags = &radeon_evict_flags,
@@ -680,123 +747,6 @@ int radeon_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct 

- * TTM backend functions.
- */
-struct radeon_ttm_backend {
-       struct ttm_backend              backend;
-       struct radeon_device            *rdev;
-       unsigned long                   num_pages;
-       struct page                     **pages;
-       struct page                     *dummy_read_page;
-       dma_addr_t                      *dma_addrs;
-       bool                            populated;
-       bool                            bound;
-       unsigned                        offset;
-static int radeon_ttm_backend_populate(struct ttm_backend *backend,
-                                      unsigned long num_pages,
-                                      struct page **pages,
-                                      struct page *dummy_read_page,
-                                      dma_addr_t *dma_addrs)
-       struct radeon_ttm_backend *gtt;
-       gtt = container_of(backend, struct radeon_ttm_backend, backend);
-       gtt->pages = pages;
-       gtt->dma_addrs = dma_addrs;
-       gtt->num_pages = num_pages;
-       gtt->dummy_read_page = dummy_read_page;
-       gtt->populated = true;
-       return 0;
-static void radeon_ttm_backend_clear(struct ttm_backend *backend)
-       struct radeon_ttm_backend *gtt;
-       gtt = container_of(backend, struct radeon_ttm_backend, backend);
-       gtt->pages = NULL;
-       gtt->dma_addrs = NULL;
-       gtt->num_pages = 0;
-       gtt->dummy_read_page = NULL;
-       gtt->populated = false;
-       gtt->bound = false;
-static int radeon_ttm_backend_bind(struct ttm_backend *backend,
-                                  struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
-       struct radeon_ttm_backend *gtt;
-       int r;
-       gtt = container_of(backend, struct radeon_ttm_backend, backend);
-       gtt->offset = bo_mem->start << PAGE_SHIFT;
-       if (!gtt->num_pages) {
-               WARN(1, "nothing to bind %lu pages for mreg %p back %p!\n",
-                    gtt->num_pages, bo_mem, backend);
-       }
-       r = radeon_gart_bind(gtt->rdev, gtt->offset,
-                            gtt->num_pages, gtt->pages, gtt->dma_addrs);
-       if (r) {
-               DRM_ERROR("failed to bind %lu pages at 0x%08X\n",
-                         gtt->num_pages, gtt->offset);
-               return r;
-       }
-       gtt->bound = true;
-       return 0;
-static int radeon_ttm_backend_unbind(struct ttm_backend *backend)
-       struct radeon_ttm_backend *gtt;
-       gtt = container_of(backend, struct radeon_ttm_backend, backend);
-       radeon_gart_unbind(gtt->rdev, gtt->offset, gtt->num_pages);
-       gtt->bound = false;
-       return 0;
-static void radeon_ttm_backend_destroy(struct ttm_backend *backend)
-       struct radeon_ttm_backend *gtt;
-       gtt = container_of(backend, struct radeon_ttm_backend, backend);
-       if (gtt->bound) {
-               radeon_ttm_backend_unbind(backend);
-       }
-       kfree(gtt);
-static struct ttm_backend_func radeon_backend_func = {
-       .populate = &radeon_ttm_backend_populate,
-       .clear = &radeon_ttm_backend_clear,
-       .bind = &radeon_ttm_backend_bind,
-       .unbind = &radeon_ttm_backend_unbind,
-       .destroy = &radeon_ttm_backend_destroy,
-struct ttm_backend *radeon_ttm_backend_create(struct radeon_device *rdev)
-       struct radeon_ttm_backend *gtt;
-       gtt = kzalloc(sizeof(struct radeon_ttm_backend), GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (gtt == NULL) {
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       gtt->backend.bdev = &rdev->mman.bdev;
-       gtt->backend.func = &radeon_backend_func;
-       gtt->rdev = rdev;
-       gtt->pages = NULL;
-       gtt->num_pages = 0;
-       gtt->dummy_read_page = NULL;
-       gtt->populated = false;
-       gtt->bound = false;
-       return &gtt->backend;

 #if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_agp_backend.c 
index 1c4a72f..14ebd36 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_agp_backend.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_agp_backend.c
@@ -40,45 +40,33 @@
 #include <asm/agp.h>

 struct ttm_agp_backend {
-       struct ttm_backend backend;
+       struct ttm_tt ttm;
        struct agp_memory *mem;
        struct agp_bridge_data *bridge;

-static int ttm_agp_populate(struct ttm_backend *backend,
-                           unsigned long num_pages, struct page **pages,
-                           struct page *dummy_read_page,
-                           dma_addr_t *dma_addrs)
+static int ttm_agp_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
-       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct ttm_agp_backend, backend);
-       struct page **cur_page, **last_page = pages + num_pages;
+       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be = container_of(ttm, struct 
ttm_agp_backend, ttm);
+       struct drm_mm_node *node = bo_mem->mm_node;
        struct agp_memory *mem;
+       int ret, cached = (bo_mem->placement & TTM_PL_FLAG_CACHED);
+       unsigned i;

-       mem = agp_allocate_memory(agp_be->bridge, num_pages, AGP_USER_MEMORY);
+       mem = agp_allocate_memory(agp_be->bridge, ttm->num_pages, 
        if (unlikely(mem == NULL))
                return -ENOMEM;

        mem->page_count = 0;
-       for (cur_page = pages; cur_page < last_page; ++cur_page) {
-               struct page *page = *cur_page;
+       for (i = 0; i < ttm->num_pages; i++) {
+               struct page *page = ttm->pages[i];
                if (!page)
-                       page = dummy_read_page;
+                       page = ttm->dummy_read_page;

                mem->pages[mem->page_count++] = page;
        agp_be->mem = mem;
-       return 0;
-static int ttm_agp_bind(struct ttm_backend *backend, struct ttm_mem_reg 
-       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct ttm_agp_backend, backend);
-       struct drm_mm_node *node = bo_mem->mm_node;
-       struct agp_memory *mem = agp_be->mem;
-       int cached = (bo_mem->placement & TTM_PL_FLAG_CACHED);
-       int ret;

        mem->is_flushed = 1;
        mem->type = (cached) ? AGP_USER_CACHED_MEMORY : AGP_USER_MEMORY;
@@ -90,50 +78,38 @@ static int ttm_agp_bind(struct ttm_backend *backend, struct 
ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
        return ret;

-static int ttm_agp_unbind(struct ttm_backend *backend)
+static int ttm_agp_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct ttm_agp_backend, backend);
-       if (agp_be->mem->is_bound)
-               return agp_unbind_memory(agp_be->mem);
-       else
-               return 0;
+       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be = container_of(ttm, struct 
ttm_agp_backend, ttm);

-static void ttm_agp_clear(struct ttm_backend *backend)
-       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct ttm_agp_backend, backend);
-       struct agp_memory *mem = agp_be->mem;
-       if (mem) {
-               ttm_agp_unbind(backend);
-               agp_free_memory(mem);
+       if (agp_be->mem) {
+               if (agp_be->mem->is_bound)
+                       return agp_unbind_memory(agp_be->mem);
+               agp_free_memory(agp_be->mem);
+               agp_be->mem = NULL;
-       agp_be->mem = NULL;
+       return 0;

-static void ttm_agp_destroy(struct ttm_backend *backend)
+static void ttm_agp_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct ttm_agp_backend, backend);
+       struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be = container_of(ttm, struct 
ttm_agp_backend, ttm);

        if (agp_be->mem)
-               ttm_agp_clear(backend);
+               ttm_agp_unbind(ttm);

 static struct ttm_backend_func ttm_agp_func = {
-       .populate = ttm_agp_populate,
-       .clear = ttm_agp_clear,
        .bind = ttm_agp_bind,
        .unbind = ttm_agp_unbind,
        .destroy = ttm_agp_destroy,

-struct ttm_backend *ttm_agp_backend_init(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
-                                        struct agp_bridge_data *bridge)
+struct ttm_tt *ttm_agp_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                                struct agp_bridge_data *bridge,
+                                unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                                struct page *dummy_read_page)
        struct ttm_agp_backend *agp_be;

@@ -143,10 +119,14 @@ struct ttm_backend *ttm_agp_backend_init(struct 
ttm_bo_device *bdev,

        agp_be->mem = NULL;
        agp_be->bridge = bridge;
-       agp_be->backend.func = &ttm_agp_func;
-       agp_be->backend.bdev = bdev;
-       return &agp_be->backend;
+       agp_be->ttm.func = &ttm_agp_func;
+       if (ttm_tt_init(&agp_be->ttm, bdev, size, page_flags, dummy_read_page)) 
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       return &agp_be->ttm;

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c
index 4bde335..cb73527 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_bo.c
@@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ static int ttm_bo_add_ttm(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo, 
bool zero_alloc)
                if (zero_alloc)
                        page_flags |= TTM_PAGE_FLAG_ZERO_ALLOC;
        case ttm_bo_type_kernel:
-               bo->ttm = ttm_tt_create(bdev, bo->num_pages << PAGE_SHIFT,
-                                       page_flags, glob->dummy_read_page);
+               bo->ttm = bdev->driver->ttm_tt_create(bdev, bo->num_pages << 
+                                                     page_flags, 
                if (unlikely(bo->ttm == NULL))
                        ret = -ENOMEM;
@@ -1437,10 +1437,7 @@ int ttm_bo_global_init(struct drm_global_reference *ref)
                goto out_no_shrink;

-       glob->ttm_bo_extra_size =
-               ttm_round_pot(sizeof(struct ttm_tt)) +
-               ttm_round_pot(sizeof(struct ttm_backend));
+       glob->ttm_bo_extra_size = ttm_round_pot(sizeof(struct ttm_tt));
        glob->ttm_bo_size = glob->ttm_bo_extra_size +
                ttm_round_pot(sizeof(struct ttm_buffer_object));

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_tt.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_tt.c
index 58ea7dc..b55e132 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_tt.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/ttm/ttm_tt.c
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ struct page *ttm_tt_get_page(struct ttm_tt *ttm, int index)
 int ttm_tt_populate(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
        struct ttm_mem_global *mem_glob = ttm->glob->mem_glob;
-       struct ttm_backend *be;
        int ret;

        if (ttm->state != tt_unpopulated)
@@ -115,8 +114,6 @@ int ttm_tt_populate(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
                        return ret;

-       be = ttm->be;
        ret = ttm_get_pages(ttm->pages, ttm->num_pages, ttm->page_flags,
                            ttm->caching_state, ttm->dma_address);
        if (ret != 0)
@@ -129,8 +126,6 @@ int ttm_tt_populate(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
                return -ENOMEM;

-       be->func->populate(be, ttm->num_pages, ttm->pages,
-                          ttm->dummy_read_page, ttm->dma_address);
        ttm->state = tt_unbound;
        return 0;
@@ -239,12 +234,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ttm_tt_set_placement_caching);

 static void ttm_tt_free_alloced_pages(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct ttm_backend *be = ttm->be;
        struct ttm_mem_global *glob = ttm->glob->mem_glob;

-       if (be)
-               be->func->clear(be);
        ttm_mem_global_free_pages(glob, ttm->pages, ttm->num_pages);
        ttm_put_pages(ttm->pages, ttm->num_pages, ttm->page_flags,
                        ttm->caching_state, ttm->dma_address);
@@ -253,20 +244,11 @@ static void ttm_tt_free_alloced_pages(struct ttm_tt *ttm)

 void ttm_tt_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct ttm_backend *be;
        if (unlikely(ttm == NULL))

-       be = ttm->be;
-       if (likely(be != NULL)) {
-               be->func->destroy(be);
-               ttm->be = NULL;
-       }
        if (likely(ttm->pages != NULL)) {

@@ -274,52 +256,38 @@ void ttm_tt_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)

-       kfree(ttm);
+       ttm->swap_storage = NULL;
+       ttm->func->destroy(ttm);

-struct ttm_tt *ttm_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev, unsigned long size,
-                            uint32_t page_flags, struct page *dummy_read_page)
+int ttm_tt_init(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+               unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+               struct page *dummy_read_page)
-       struct ttm_bo_driver *bo_driver = bdev->driver;
-       struct ttm_tt *ttm;
-       if (!bo_driver)
-               return NULL;
-       ttm = kzalloc(sizeof(*ttm), GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!ttm)
-               return NULL;
+       ttm->bdev = bdev;
        ttm->glob = bdev->glob;
        ttm->num_pages = (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
        ttm->caching_state = tt_cached;
        ttm->page_flags = page_flags;
        ttm->dummy_read_page = dummy_read_page;
+       ttm->state = tt_unpopulated;

        if (!ttm->pages || !ttm->dma_address) {
                printk(KERN_ERR TTM_PFX "Failed allocating page table\n");
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       ttm->be = bo_driver->create_ttm_backend_entry(bdev);
-       if (!ttm->be) {
-               ttm_tt_destroy(ttm);
-               printk(KERN_ERR TTM_PFX "Failed creating ttm backend entry\n");
-               return NULL;
+               return -ENOMEM;
-       ttm->state = tt_unpopulated;
-       return ttm;
+       return 0;

 void ttm_tt_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
        int ret;
-       struct ttm_backend *be = ttm->be;

        if (ttm->state == tt_bound) {
-               ret = be->func->unbind(be);
+               ret = ttm->func->unbind(ttm);
                ttm->state = tt_unbound;
@@ -328,7 +296,6 @@ void ttm_tt_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
 int ttm_tt_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
        int ret = 0;
-       struct ttm_backend *be;

        if (!ttm)
                return -EINVAL;
@@ -336,13 +303,11 @@ int ttm_tt_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg 
        if (ttm->state == tt_bound)
                return 0;

-       be = ttm->be;
        ret = ttm_tt_populate(ttm);
        if (ret)
                return ret;

-       ret = be->func->bind(be, bo_mem);
+       ret = ttm->func->bind(ttm, bo_mem);
        if (unlikely(ret != 0))
                return ret;

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c 
index 5a72ed9..cc72435 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c
@@ -139,85 +139,61 @@ struct ttm_placement vmw_srf_placement = {
        .busy_placement = gmr_vram_placement_flags

-struct vmw_ttm_backend {
-       struct ttm_backend backend;
-       struct page **pages;
-       unsigned long num_pages;
+struct vmw_ttm_tt {
+       struct ttm_tt ttm;
        struct vmw_private *dev_priv;
        int gmr_id;

-static int vmw_ttm_populate(struct ttm_backend *backend,
-                           unsigned long num_pages, struct page **pages,
-                           struct page *dummy_read_page,
-                           dma_addr_t *dma_addrs)
+static int vmw_ttm_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
-       struct vmw_ttm_backend *vmw_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct vmw_ttm_backend, backend);
-       vmw_be->pages = pages;
-       vmw_be->num_pages = num_pages;
-       return 0;
-static int vmw_ttm_bind(struct ttm_backend *backend, struct ttm_mem_reg 
-       struct vmw_ttm_backend *vmw_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct vmw_ttm_backend, backend);
+       struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be = container_of(ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, ttm);

        vmw_be->gmr_id = bo_mem->start;

-       return vmw_gmr_bind(vmw_be->dev_priv, vmw_be->pages,
-                           vmw_be->num_pages, vmw_be->gmr_id);
+       return vmw_gmr_bind(vmw_be->dev_priv, ttm->pages,
+                           ttm->num_pages, vmw_be->gmr_id);

-static int vmw_ttm_unbind(struct ttm_backend *backend)
+static int vmw_ttm_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct vmw_ttm_backend *vmw_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct vmw_ttm_backend, backend);
+       struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be = container_of(ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, ttm);

        vmw_gmr_unbind(vmw_be->dev_priv, vmw_be->gmr_id);
        return 0;

-static void vmw_ttm_clear(struct ttm_backend *backend)
+static void vmw_ttm_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
-       struct vmw_ttm_backend *vmw_be =
-               container_of(backend, struct vmw_ttm_backend, backend);
-       vmw_be->pages = NULL;
-       vmw_be->num_pages = 0;
-static void vmw_ttm_destroy(struct ttm_backend *backend)
-       struct vmw_ttm_backend *vmw_be =
-           container_of(backend, struct vmw_ttm_backend, backend);
+       struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be = container_of(ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, ttm);


 static struct ttm_backend_func vmw_ttm_func = {
-       .populate = vmw_ttm_populate,
-       .clear = vmw_ttm_clear,
        .bind = vmw_ttm_bind,
        .unbind = vmw_ttm_unbind,
        .destroy = vmw_ttm_destroy,

-struct ttm_backend *vmw_ttm_backend_init(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev)
+struct ttm_tt *vmw_ttm_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                                unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                                struct page *dummy_read_page)
-       struct vmw_ttm_backend *vmw_be;
+       struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be;

        vmw_be = kmalloc(sizeof(*vmw_be), GFP_KERNEL);
        if (!vmw_be)
                return NULL;

-       vmw_be->backend.func = &vmw_ttm_func;
+       vmw_be->ttm.func = &vmw_ttm_func;
        vmw_be->dev_priv = container_of(bdev, struct vmw_private, bdev);

-       return &vmw_be->backend;
+       if (ttm_tt_init(&vmw_be->ttm, bdev, size, page_flags, dummy_read_page)) 
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       return &vmw_be->ttm;

 int vmw_invalidate_caches(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev, uint32_t flags)
@@ -357,7 +333,7 @@ static int vmw_sync_obj_wait(void *sync_obj, void *sync_arg,

 struct ttm_bo_driver vmw_bo_driver = {
-       .create_ttm_backend_entry = vmw_ttm_backend_init,
+       .ttm_tt_create = &vmw_ttm_tt_create,
        .invalidate_caches = vmw_invalidate_caches,
        .init_mem_type = vmw_init_mem_type,
        .evict_flags = vmw_evict_flags,
diff --git a/include/drm/ttm/ttm_bo_driver.h b/include/drm/ttm/ttm_bo_driver.h
index 6d17140..6b8c5cd 100644
--- a/include/drm/ttm/ttm_bo_driver.h
+++ b/include/drm/ttm/ttm_bo_driver.h
@@ -43,36 +43,9 @@ struct ttm_backend;

 struct ttm_backend_func {
-        * struct ttm_backend_func member populate
-        *
-        * @backend: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend.
-        * @num_pages: Number of pages to populate.
-        * @pages: Array of pointers to ttm pages.
-        * @dummy_read_page: Page to be used instead of NULL pages in the
-        * array @pages.
-        * @dma_addrs: Array of DMA (bus) address of the ttm pages.
-        *
-        * Populate the backend with ttm pages. Depending on the backend,
-        * it may or may not copy the @pages array.
-        */
-       int (*populate) (struct ttm_backend *backend,
-                        unsigned long num_pages, struct page **pages,
-                        struct page *dummy_read_page,
-                        dma_addr_t *dma_addrs);
-       /**
-        * struct ttm_backend_func member clear
-        *
-        * @backend: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend.
-        *
-        * This is an "unpopulate" function. Release all resources
-        * allocated with populate.
-        */
-       void (*clear) (struct ttm_backend *backend);
-       /**
         * struct ttm_backend_func member bind
-        * @backend: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend.
+        * @ttm: Pointer to a struct ttm_tt.
         * @bo_mem: Pointer to a struct ttm_mem_reg describing the
         * memory type and location for binding.
@@ -80,40 +53,27 @@ struct ttm_backend_func {
         * indicated by @bo_mem. This function should be able to handle
         * differences between aperture and system page sizes.
-       int (*bind) (struct ttm_backend *backend, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem);
+       int (*bind) (struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem);

         * struct ttm_backend_func member unbind
-        * @backend: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend.
+        * @ttm: Pointer to a struct ttm_tt.
         * Unbind previously bound backend pages. This function should be
         * able to handle differences between aperture and system page sizes.
-       int (*unbind) (struct ttm_backend *backend);
+       int (*unbind) (struct ttm_tt *ttm);

         * struct ttm_backend_func member destroy
-        * @backend: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend.
+        * @ttm: Pointer to a struct ttm_tt.
-        * Destroy the backend.
+        * Destroy the backend. This will be call back from ttm_tt_destroy so
+        * don't call ttm_tt_destroy from the callback or infinite loop.
-       void (*destroy) (struct ttm_backend *backend);
- * struct ttm_backend
- *
- * @bdev: Pointer to a struct ttm_bo_device.
- * @func: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend_func that describes
- * the backend methods.
- *
- */
-struct ttm_backend {
-       struct ttm_bo_device *bdev;
-       struct ttm_backend_func *func;
+       void (*destroy) (struct ttm_tt *ttm);

 #define TTM_PAGE_FLAG_WRITE           (1 << 3)
@@ -131,6 +91,9 @@ enum ttm_caching_state {
  * struct ttm_tt
+ * @bdev: Pointer to a struct ttm_bo_device.
+ * @func: Pointer to a struct ttm_backend_func that describes
+ * the backend methods.
  * @dummy_read_page: Page to map where the ttm_tt page array contains a NULL
  * pointer.
  * @pages: Array of pages backing the data.
@@ -148,6 +111,8 @@ enum ttm_caching_state {

 struct ttm_tt {
+       struct ttm_bo_device *bdev;
+       struct ttm_backend_func *func;
        struct page *dummy_read_page;
        struct page **pages;
        uint32_t page_flags;
@@ -336,15 +301,22 @@ struct ttm_mem_type_manager {

 struct ttm_bo_driver {
-        * struct ttm_bo_driver member create_ttm_backend_entry
+        * ttm_tt_create
-        * @bdev: The buffer object device.
+        * @bdev: pointer to a struct ttm_bo_device:
+        * @size: Size of the data needed backing.
+        * @page_flags: Page flags as identified by TTM_PAGE_FLAG_XX flags.
+        * @dummy_read_page: See struct ttm_bo_device.
-        * Create a driver specific struct ttm_backend.
+        * Create a struct ttm_tt to back data with system memory pages.
+        * No pages are actually allocated.
+        * Returns:
+        * NULL: Out of memory.
-       struct ttm_backend *(*create_ttm_backend_entry)
-        (struct ttm_bo_device *bdev);
+       struct ttm_tt *(*ttm_tt_create)(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                                       unsigned long size,
+                                       uint32_t page_flags,
+                                       struct page *dummy_read_page);

         * struct ttm_bo_driver member invalidate_caches
@@ -585,8 +557,9 @@ ttm_flag_masked(uint32_t *old, uint32_t new, uint32_t mask)

- * ttm_tt_create
+ * ttm_tt_init
+ * @ttm: The struct ttm_tt.
  * @bdev: pointer to a struct ttm_bo_device:
  * @size: Size of the data needed backing.
  * @page_flags: Page flags as identified by TTM_PAGE_FLAG_XX flags.
@@ -597,10 +570,9 @@ ttm_flag_masked(uint32_t *old, uint32_t new, uint32_t mask)
  * Returns:
  * NULL: Out of memory.
-extern struct ttm_tt *ttm_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
-                                   unsigned long size,
-                                   uint32_t page_flags,
-                                   struct page *dummy_read_page);
+extern int ttm_tt_init(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                       unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                       struct page *dummy_read_page);

  * ttm_ttm_bind:
@@ -626,7 +598,7 @@ extern int ttm_tt_populate(struct ttm_tt *ttm);
  * @ttm: The struct ttm_tt.
- * Unbind, unpopulate and destroy a struct ttm_tt.
+ * Unbind, unpopulate and destroy common struct ttm_tt.
 extern void ttm_tt_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm);

@@ -1013,17 +985,23 @@ extern const struct ttm_mem_type_manager_func 
 #include <linux/agp_backend.h>

- * ttm_agp_backend_init
+ * ttm_agp_tt_create
  * @bdev: Pointer to a struct ttm_bo_device.
  * @bridge: The agp bridge this device is sitting on.
+ * @size: Size of the data needed backing.
+ * @page_flags: Page flags as identified by TTM_PAGE_FLAG_XX flags.
+ * @dummy_read_page: See struct ttm_bo_device.
+ *
  * Create a TTM backend that uses the indicated AGP bridge as an aperture
  * for TT memory. This function uses the linux agpgart interface to
  * bind and unbind memory backing a ttm_tt.
-extern struct ttm_backend *ttm_agp_backend_init(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
-                                               struct agp_bridge_data *bridge);
+extern struct ttm_tt *ttm_agp_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
+                                       struct agp_bridge_data *bridge,
+                                       unsigned long size, uint32_t page_flags,
+                                       struct page *dummy_read_page);


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