On Tue, 24 May 2011 14:30:59 +0200, Jacek Luczak said:
> 2011/5/24 Jan Engelhardt <jengelh at medozas.de>:
> > On Tuesday 2011-05-24 01:33, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> >
> >>Another advantage of switching numbering models (ie 3.0 instead of
> >>2.8.x) would be that it would also make the "odd numbers are also
> >>numbers" transition much more natural.
> >>
> >>Because of our historical even/odd model, I wouldn't do a 2.7.x -
> >>there's just too much history of 2.1, 2.3, 2.5 being development
> >>trees.
> >
> > .oO(Though once 2.{7 or more, odd} trickle into the distros, it would
> > become pretty much apparent that they are not devel.)
> >
> >>And then in another few years (probably before getting close to 3.40,
> >>so I'm not going to make a big deal of 3 = "third decade"), I'd just
> >>do 4.0 etc.
> >
> > While 2.6 has certainly worn out, already thinking of a 4.0 is highly
> > reminiscient of the version number arms race Firefox and ChromeBrowser
> > are doing currently.
> >
> >>Because all our releases are supposed to be stable releases these
> >>days, and if we get rid of one level of numbering, I feel perfectly
> >>fine with getting rid of the even/odd history too.
> >
> > If I remember past-time discussions right, ELF was the contributing
> > factor to bump the major number to 2.0 back then; ever since 2.0, no
> > similarly breakthrough-ing event has occurred.
> What then about BKL removal? Nice place to celebrate with version jump
> and heaving some beers.

Well, if we're looking at ELF-sized ABI changes, how about 3.0 be the
release where we re-sync the syscall numbers on all the archs? ;)
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