We have both desktop (for general graphics/media stuff) and mobile tracks at this year's LPC.
So if you're working on a topic related to one of the above areas, especially one that has open issues or spans multiple parts of the stack, please submit a topic for discussion at http://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2011/ocw/events/LPC2011MC/proposals/new against the appropriate track. Proposals for presentations (track independent talks about a specific topic) are also open until May 15th, so if you have a topic you'd like to present that doesn't fit into an existing track, be sure to submit it soon. Early registration for LPC is open until June 1st, so regardless of whether you're submitting a topic, if you see discussions or proposed talks of interest to you, be sure to register soon to get the discounted rate. Thanks, Jesse Barnes LPC2011 Planning Chair