On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, Dave Airlie wrote:
> Michel raised his concern after that point, so no matter what it was 
> already in a tree I'd pushed out to public so the only answer when he 
> raised his concern was to revert or fix it.

Just to be fair to Michel (and prevent any unnecessary "fights" on the 
list, for which I am sure people have had enough by now), the concern in 
question that triggered revision of the API was raised in time, but I 
oversaw it in the pile of other comments I was also trying to address.

I am neither the first nor the last guy to inadvertently drop a review 
comment due to limited "bandwidth", so this should not be made into a big 
deal. Especially, when no damage was done (except for a few extra E-mails 
and a little extra work).

Dave did the follow-up patch to satisfy Michel (thanks!) and I have 
already submitted the user space stuff that matches it, so hopefully
we are all aligned now.



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