On 2/11/25 19:31, Christian König wrote:
> As a workaround to smoothly transit from static to dynamic DMA-buf
> handling we cached the sg_table on attach if dynamic handling mismatched
> between exporter and importer.
> Since Dmitry and Thomas cleaned that up and also documented the lock
> handling we can drop this workaround now.
> Signed-off-by: Christian König <christian.koe...@amd.com>
> ---
>  drivers/dma-buf/dma-buf.c | 149 ++++++++++++++------------------------
>  include/linux/dma-buf.h   |  14 ----
>  2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

Looks good, as long as IGT passes.

Reviewed-by: Dmitry Osipenko <dmitry.osipe...@collabora.com>

Best regards,

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