--- Comment #22 from davide <marsicanbear at> 2010-09-12 15:55:58 PDT 
Yes, for sure there are two separate issues: the black thumbnails (for which
Fredrick seems to have identified the problem) and the blur issue I reported
(for which, as far as I understood, it is not clear by what it is caused).
Just let me know if I can do any test or something to help you track the source
of the bug.

(In reply to comment #21)
> (In reply to comment #20)
> > Why would you use relative addressing (= indirect indexing) in the fragment
> > shader then? If it's not indexing with a loop counter (my assumption), what 
> > is
> > it?
> The shader used for scaling the thumbnails is indeed indexing with a loop
> counter. That shader looks like this:
> uniform sampler2D texUnit;
> uniform vec2 offsets[25];
> uniform vec4 kernel[25];
> uniform int kernelSize;
> void main(void)
> {
>     vec4 sum = texture2D(texUnit, gl_TexCoord[0].st) * kernel[0];
>     for (int i = 1; i < kernelSize; i++) {
>         sum += texture2D(texUnit, gl_TexCoord[0].st - offsets[i]) * kernel[i];
>         sum += texture2D(texUnit, gl_TexCoord[0].st + offsets[i]) * kernel[i];
>     }
>     gl_FragColor = sum;
> }
> That's why I think it's this shader that failed to compile. But this is not 
> the
> shader that's used by the blur effect (which this bug report was about). So I
> believe we're looking at two separate issues here.

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