On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:06:41 -0400
Alex Deucher <alexdeucher at gmail.com> wrote:

> >> > I've been testing radeon KMS PM with 2.6.34-rc* for a few days now and
> >> > I wanted to send you my testcase. Even though PM is enabled, the
> >> > defaults of my card are somewhat insane so no real powermanagement
> >> > takes place - i.e. the card doesn't get clocked down. is there any way
> >> > to force the card to use a different setting where less power is being
> >> > consumed?
> >>
> >> The current code doesn't handle a lot of cases properly. ?Please try
> >> my latest patch set against Dave's drm-next tree:
> >> http://people.freedesktop.org/~agd5f/pm3/
> >> It allows you to enable dynamic pm or force a static power mode via sysfs.
> >>
> >> Alex
> >
> > Will do so at the end of the week when (hopefully) 2.6.34-rc6 is out
> > and I have mor etime on my hands.
> > Could you a bit more explicit on how I could set a static power mode
> > via sysfs? I've never worked with sysfs before so some hints would be
> > greatly appreciated.
> enable/disable dynpm:
> echo 1 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/dynpm
> force a static power state:
> echo 1.0 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_state
> Alex

Hi Alex,

I just built drm-radeon-testing as I saw the patches have already
been merged there.
It built fine, I updated the firmware files as the Xor-Wiki suggests,
but when I boot into the resulting kernel with dynpem on my screen goes
all wonky, a portion on the right side is missing and I've got vertical
lines running down the screen. Somehow I managed to look at dmesg and
saw that the speed was being set correctly (it even set the lowest one

When I tried "sudo echo 0 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/dynpm" to see
whether switching off dynpm would fix the "drunken" screen the system
told me I was not permitted to access the file...

I am attaching the syslog from the faulty boot in case it's of any


Klaus Doblmann B.A. - http://straightrazorguy.net - FSF member #7570
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