On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:36:35 +0000
Simon Ser <cont...@emersion.fr> wrote:

> Is there a chance to pick a better name than "secure" here?
> "Secure" is super overloaded, it's not clear at all what it means from
> just the name. Something like "restricted" would be an improvement.

My thoughts exactly. Every time I see "secure" used for something that
either gives you garbage, refuses to work, or crashes your whole machine
*intentionally* when you try to do normal usual things to it in
userspace (like use it for GL texturing, or try to use KMS writeback), I
get an unscratchable itch.

There is nothing "secure" from security perspective there for end users
and developers. It's just inaccessible buffers.

I've been biting my lip until now, thinking it's too late.


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