On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 09:25:50PM +0800, Sui Jingfeng wrote:
> I think my approach provide a solution, while still keep the bridges drivers
> to a modular at the same time. Despite simple, it indeed solve the problem.
> It simple because of explicit control of the loading order by myself, not by
> rely on the framework or something else (say component)
> It is not totally duplicating, I have rewrite part of them. You can compare
> to see what I'm changed. It is just that it66162 was upstream-ed earlier than
> our solution. But I also have write display drivers for lt8618 and lt8619
> completely by myself.
> Even though our local drm bridges driver will not be able to enjoy the 
> updates.
> We will accept such a results(or pain). I can maintain our local drm bridges
> drivers by myself. Sorry, on this technique point, we will not follow your 
> idea.
> I'm sure that my approach is toward to right direction for our device at now.
> If someone invent a better solution to handle this problem, which make the
> various drm bridges drivers usable out of box, then I will follow and 
> cooperate
> to test.

As far as I'm concerned, the two options are either you reuse the
already existing driver or this series isn't merged.

Ignoring what issue we raised and still merging your patch isn't on the
table, sorry.


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