23.12.2022 15:15, Dmitry Osipenko пишет:
> 22.12.2022 12:03, Luca Ceresoli пишет:
>> Hello Dmitry,
>> On Wed, 21 Dec 2022 00:40:20 +0300
>> Dmitry Osipenko <dig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> 28.11.2022 18:23, Luca Ceresoli пишет:
>>>> +static int tegra20_channel_capture_frame(struct tegra_vi_channel *chan,
>>>> +                                   struct tegra_channel_buffer *buf)
>>>> +{
>>>> +  u32 value;
>>>> +  int err;
>>>> +
>>>> +  chan->next_out_sp_idx++;
>>>> +
>>>> +  tegra20_channel_vi_buffer_setup(chan, buf);
>>>> +
>>>> +  tegra20_vi_write(chan, TEGRA_VI_CAMERA_CONTROL, 
>>>> +
>>>> +  /* Wait for syncpt counter to reach frame start event threshold */
>>>> +  err = host1x_syncpt_wait(chan->out_sp, chan->next_out_sp_idx,
>>>> +                           TEGRA_VI_SYNCPT_WAIT_TIMEOUT, &value);  
>>> You're not using the "value" variable, it should be NULL.
>> Ah, sure, good catch.
>>> The "chan->out_sp" looks redundant, it duplicates the chan->mw_ack_sp.
>> I agree it is redundant and can be improved.
>>> AFAICS from the doc, T20 has two VI channels, and thus, two mw_ack_sp,
>>> like T210.
>> I'm confused by this. In the current driver, each VI channel has an
>> array of 2 mw_ack_sp, the second of which is only used the ganged
>> CSI ports. I have no docs mentioning ganged ports so I don't know
>> exactly how they work and whether T20 might need more than 1 syncpt per
>> channel or not for CSI. Definitely when using VIP only one such syncpt
>> per each VI (or per each VIP, as per your reply to patch 1) is needed.
>> Bottom line: I think I can simply remove the out_sp and in the VIP code
>> always use chan->mw_ack_sp[0], and document that it's what is called OUT
>> in VIP terms.
>> Does this plan seem good?
> Older Tegra VI doesn't have ganged ports, but two memory/CSI channels.
> It feels to me that Tegra VI can capture both channels independently,
> though downstream driver stack used only one of the channels, IIRC.
> There is a VI header file from nvddk in downstream kernel, which is
> pretty much the doc by itself.
> https://nv-tegra.nvidia.com/r/gitweb?p=linux-2.6.git;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-tegra/include/ap20/arvi.h;h=6ce52e8e9a7213e33466d34a71cf3af2b6944b8a;

Although, after a bit closer look, I see that there is only one port
selector there. Hence there only one port can be active at a time.

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