
I have a few questions about radeon pm code:

In radeon_atombios.c, radeon_atombios_parse_power_table_6
function, power_state->v2.nonClockInfoIndex for non_clock_info of
one state is ignored and replaced by the state index, referencing
an iguana bug.

Is it still buggy from southern island and we must keep ignoring
power_state->v2.nonClockInfoIndex for good and use the state
index to reference the right state description in non clock array

The same does happen for the clock info index which can be out of
range. Same treat as above?

In radeon_atombios.c, radeon_atombios_parse_pplib_clock_info
function, code paths are selected based on DCE generation. The
same happens in radeon_atombios_parse_pplib_non_clock_info
function.  Should it rather be the chip family? Or current
powerplay code does deal only with the DCE block??


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