2013/4/27 Sylwester Nawrocki <sylvester.nawro...@gmail.com>

> On 04/26/2013 09:42 PM, Tomasz Figa wrote:
>> On Friday 26 of April 2013 11:48:50 Sylwester Nawrocki wrote:
>>> On 04/26/2013 10:20 AM, Inki Dae wrote:
>>>> Exactly right. it's my mistake. But now it seems that
>>>> __mode_of_device_table is multi defined at fimd and g2d side so there
>>>> still is module build error. :(
>>> Since all drivers seem to be linked into single a single module, you
>>> likely need to create a separate table of struct of_device_id just for
>>> the purpose of MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ...). This table would contain
>>> 'compatible' strings for all devices. Or choose of_device_id for just
>>> one device and define MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() for it in some common place,
>>> e.g. exynos_drm_drv.c. I believe all devices should be listed though.
>> IMHO, the most proper solution would be to split the module into parent
>> exynos_drm module and per-device submodules, which would depend on the
>> parent module.
>> This way you would be able to load dynamically any submodule you want,
>> without recompiling the modules.
> Yes, this is how it would have been in a perfect world. Probably something
> worth to consider for the future, it likely implies a lot of work.
For now, exynos drm framework has a problem to module support with device
tree. And for this, going back to previous style might be a right way but
this also still has the probing issue. Frankly spreaking, I don't really
want back to previous style because that way not only still has a probing
issue but also makes exynos drm framework so complicated(there are many
things to consider every time framework updating). So I'd like to resolve
this issue as is first.


OTOH if there is one device for which the driver will always be present
> in the main module it should be enough to make a single entry
> MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE including its compatible string to ensure the driver
> is properly loaded, shouldn't it ?

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