On 03/13/2013 06:04 PM, Inki Dae wrote:
From: YoungJun Cho <yj44....@samsung.com>
This patch fixes G2D core mulfunctioning issue once g2d dma is started.
Without 'DMA_HOLD_CMD_REG' register setting, there is only one interrupt
after the execution to all command lists have been completed. And that
induces watchdog. So this patch sets 'LIST_HOLD' command to the register
so that command execution interrupt can be occured whenever each command
list execution is finished.
No, this problem occurs as GCF bit of INTEN_REG register is enabled
always. If wants to raise interrupt immediately after a command list
finished, GCF bit should be enabled, and it also needs to enable of LIST
Hold bit of DMA_HOLD_CMD_REG register. If one of the two is missed out,
g2d hardware will not work normally sometimes.
This patch is just workaround and it can happen performance issue
because g2d hardware stops a moment whenever a command list finished.
So, we need the way which enable GCF bit only when a command list
completion interrupt needs.
Signed-off-by: YoungJun Cho <yj44....@samsung.com>
Signed-off-by: Inki Dae <inki....@samsung.com>
Signed-off-by: Kyungmin Park <kyungmin.p...@samsung.com>
drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_g2d.c | 13 ++++++++-----
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_g2d.c
index 095520f..91bc4cc 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_g2d.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/exynos/exynos_drm_g2d.c
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
-#define G2D_USET_HOLD (1 << 2)
+#define G2D_USER_HOLD (1 << 2)
#define G2D_LIST_HOLD (1 << 1)
#define G2D_BITBLT_HOLD (1 << 0)
@@ -863,10 +863,13 @@ int exynos_g2d_set_cmdlist_ioctl(struct drm_device *drm_dev, void *data,
cmdlist->data[cmdlist->last++] = G2D_SRC_BASE_ADDR;
cmdlist->data[cmdlist->last++] = 0;
- if (node->event) {
- cmdlist->data[cmdlist->last++] = G2D_DMA_HOLD_CMD;
- cmdlist->data[cmdlist->last++] = G2D_LIST_HOLD;
- }
+ /*
+ * 'LIST_HOLD' command should be set to the DMA_HOLD_CMD_REG
+ * if user wants G2D interrupt event once each command list or
+ * BitBLT command execution is finished.
+ */
+ cmdlist->data[cmdlist->last++] = G2D_DMA_HOLD_CMD;
+ cmdlist->data[cmdlist->last++] = G2D_LIST_HOLD;
/* Check size of cmdlist: last 2 is about G2D_BITBLT_START */
size = cmdlist->last + req->cmd_nr * 2 + req->cmd_buf_nr * 2 + 2;
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