While running the WEB-GL tests in [1] firefox crashed a ThinkPad T420 w/ i915 
The kernel log gives:

2013-02-17T10:32:58.451+01:00 n22 kernel: [drm:__gen6_gt_force_wake_get] 
*ERROR* Timed out waiting for forcewake to ack request.
2013-02-17T10:32:58.451+01:00 n22 kernel: [drm:__gen6_gt_wait_for_thread_c0] 
*ERROR* GT thread status wait timed out
2013-02-17T10:32:58.470+01:00 n22 kernel: [drm:__gen6_gt_force_wake_get] 
*ERROR* Timed out waiting for forcewake to ack request.
2013-02-17T10:32:58.470+01:00 n22 kernel: [drm:__gen6_gt_wait_for_thread_c0] 
*ERROR* GT thread status wait timed out

A developer responded of that bug report [2] that it is a MESA thing
but b/c of the kernel msg I'm wondering whether the kernel module might be 
affected too ?

[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=814964
Toralf Förster
pgp finger print: 7B1A 07F4 EC82 0F90 D4C2 8936 872A E508 7DB6 9DA3
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