On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 4:57 PM Rasmus Villemoes
<li...@rasmusvillemoes.dk> wrote:
> On 23/03/2021 14.04, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
> >                       if (securedisplay_cmd->status == 
> > +                             int pos = 0;
> >                               memset(i2c_output,  0, sizeof(i2c_output));
> >                               for (i = 0; i < 
> > -                                     sprintf(i2c_output, "%s 0x%X", 
> > i2c_output,
> > +                                     pos += sprintf(i2c_output + pos, " 
> > 0x%X",
> >                                               
> > securedisplay_cmd->securedisplay_out_message.send_roi_crc.i2c_buf[i]);
> >                               dev_info(adev->dev, "SECUREDISPLAY: I2C 
> > buffer out put is :%s\n", i2c_output);
> Eh, why not get rid of the 256 byte stack allocation and just replace
> all of this by
>   dev_info(adev->dev, ""SECUREDISPLAY: I2C buffer out put is: %*ph\n",
> securedisplay_cmd->securedisplay_out_message.send_roi_crc.i2c_buf);
> That's much less code (both in #LOC and .text), and avoids adding yet
> another place that will be audited over and over for "hm, yeah, that
> sprintf() is actually not gonna overflow".
> Yeah, it'll lose the 0x prefixes for each byte and use lowercase hex chars.

Ah, I didn't know the kernel's sprintf could do that, that's really nice.

I'll send a follow-up patch, as Alex has already applied the first one.

Alex, feel free to merge the two into one, or just keep as they are.

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