From: Arnd Bergmann <>

The open-coded 64-bit division causes a link error on 32-bit

ERROR: modpost: "__udivdi3" [drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.ko] undefined!
ERROR: modpost: "__divdi3" [drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu.ko] undefined!

Use the div_s64() to perform the division here. One of them was an
unsigned division originally, but it looks like signed division was
intended, so use that to consistently allow a negative delay.

Fixes: ea7154d8d9fb ("drm/amd/display: Update 
dcn30_apply_idle_power_optimizations() code")
Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <>
 drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dcn30/dcn30_hwseq.c | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dcn30/dcn30_hwseq.c 
index dff83c6a142a..a133e399e76d 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dcn30/dcn30_hwseq.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dcn30/dcn30_hwseq.c
@@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ bool dcn30_apply_idle_power_optimizations(struct dc *dc, 
bool enable)
                                                        cursor_cache_enable ? 
&cursor_attr : NULL)) {
                                unsigned int v_total = 
stream->adjust.v_total_max ?
                                                stream->adjust.v_total_max : 
-                               unsigned int refresh_hz = (unsigned long long) 
stream->timing.pix_clk_100hz *
-                                               100LL / (v_total * 
+                               unsigned int refresh_hz = div_s64((unsigned 
long long) stream->timing.pix_clk_100hz *
+                                               100LL, v_total * 
                                 * one frame time in microsec:
@@ -800,8 +800,8 @@ bool dcn30_apply_idle_power_optimizations(struct dc *dc, 
bool enable)
                                unsigned int denom = refresh_hz * 6528;
                                unsigned int stutter_period = 
-                               tmr_delay = (((1000000LL + 2 * stutter_period * 
refresh_hz) *
-                                               (100LL + 
dc->debug.mall_additional_timer_percent) + denom - 1) /
+                               tmr_delay = div_s64(((1000000LL + 2 * 
stutter_period * refresh_hz) *
+                                               (100LL + 
dc->debug.mall_additional_timer_percent) + denom - 1),
                                                denom) - 64LL;
                                /* scale should be increased until it fits into 
6 bits */
@@ -815,8 +815,8 @@ bool dcn30_apply_idle_power_optimizations(struct dc *dc, 
bool enable)
                                        denom *= 2;
-                                       tmr_delay = (((1000000LL + 2 * 
stutter_period * refresh_hz) *
-                                                       (100LL + 
dc->debug.mall_additional_timer_percent) + denom - 1) /
+                                       tmr_delay = div_s64(((1000000LL + 2 * 
stutter_period * refresh_hz) *
+                                                       (100LL + 
dc->debug.mall_additional_timer_percent) + denom - 1),
                                                        denom) - 64LL;

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