--- Comment #9 from ---
Running 64 bit and the game is 64bit.

With mesa in debug mode I get this:

Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glBindTexture(target)
Mesa: 85 similar GL_INVALID_ENUM errors
Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(non
existant texture)
radeon: mmap failed, errno: 12
Crash log saved as '/home/bruno/.Heroes of Newerth/game/crash_2.6.35.0_02.log'
Segmentation fault

context mis-match in pipe_sampler_view_release()

The 3 first line seem to appear at the game start, so it's mprobabl not the
problem. But the "context mis-match in pipe_sampler_view_release()" might be
I can't seem to get a backtrace even with -g though ...

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