
This is a kindly reminder that the CFP deadline is in less than two
weeks :)

On Fri, 2020-05-15 at 14:15 +0000, Szwichtenberg, Radoslaw wrote:
> Hello!
> Registration & Call for Proposals are now open for XDC 2020, which
> will
> take place at the Gdańsk University of Technology in Gdańsk, Poland
> on September 16-18, 2020.
> Thanks to LWN.net for hosting the website again this year!
>     https://xdc2020.x.org
> As usual, the conference is free of charge and open to the general
> public. If you plan on attending, please make sure to register as
> early as possible! However, don't book any travel or hotel until the
> organization decides if we keep the conference as it is or there is
> any change. Please read this message on the website for more
> information:
> https://xdc2020.x.org/event/9/page/78-covid-19
> In order to register as attendee, you will therefore need to register
> via the XDC
> website. However, as XDC is sharing the same Indico infrastructure as
> LPC, if you previously registered on the LPC website
> (linuxplumbersconference.org) or on the XDC 2019 website
> (xdc2019.x.org), then you already have an active account
> and can use the same username & password to login!
>     https://xdc2020.x.org/event/9/registrations/7/
> In addition to registration, the CfP is now open for talks, workshops
> and demos at XDC 2020. While any serious proposal will be gratefully
> considered, topics of interest to X.Org and freedesktop.org
> developers
> are encouraged. The program focus is on new development, ongoing
> challenges and anything else that will spark discussions among
> attendees in the hallway track.
> We are open to talks across all layers of the graphics stack, from
> the
> kernel to desktop environments / graphical applications and about how
> to make things better for the developers who build them. Head to the
> CfP page to learn more: 
>     https://xdc2020.x.org/event/9/abstracts/
> The deadline for submissions is Sunday, 5 July 2020.
> Notice that the event may end up being postponed, converted to a
> fully online conference, or even a hybrid one (physical event + some
> remote talks). It depends on how COVID-19 situation evolves in the
> different countries and the restrictions we will have at that time.
> Also, some people may decide to skip the physical conference to avoid
> any risk of infection. Because of that, please indicate in your talk
> submission if you prefer to give a remote talk in the case that XDC
> keeps being a physical event this year. Similarly, if you think that
> your talk makes no sense if XDC ends up being a fully-virtual
> conference, please indicate that in the notes of the talk submission.

We are gathering all the information in order to make a decision at the
beginning of July. Stay tuned [0]!


[0] https://xdc2020.x.org/event/9/page/78-covid-19

> If COVID-19 situation allows it, we are looking forward to seeing you
> in Gdańsk! If you have any questions, please send me an email to 
> radoslaw.szwichtenb...@intel.com,  adding on CC the X.org board
> (board at foundation.x.org).
> And don't forget, you can follow us on Twitter for all the latest
> updates and to stay connected:
>     https://twitter.com/xdc2020
> Best,
> Radek
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