On 22/06/2020 18:12, Dennis-YC Hsieh wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> On Mon, 2020-06-22 at 17:54 +0200, Matthias Brugger wrote:
>> On 22/06/2020 17:36, Dennis-YC Hsieh wrote:
>>> Hi Matthias,
>>> thanks for your comment.
>>> On Mon, 2020-06-22 at 13:07 +0200, Matthias Brugger wrote:
>>>> On 21/06/2020 16:18, Dennis YC Hsieh wrote:
>>>>> add write_s function in cmdq helper functions which
>>>>> writes value contains in internal register to address
>>>>> with large dma access support.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Dennis YC Hsieh <dennis-yc.hs...@mediatek.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> drivers/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq-helper.c | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
>>>>> include/linux/mailbox/mtk-cmdq-mailbox.h | 1 +
>>>>> include/linux/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq.h | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
>>>>> 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq-helper.c
>>>>> b/drivers/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq-helper.c
>>>>> index bf32e3b2ca6c..817a5a97dbe5 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq-helper.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq-helper.c
>>>>> @@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ struct cmdq_instruction {
>>>>> union {
>>>>> u32 value;
>>>>> u32 mask;
>>>>> + struct {
>>>>> + u16 arg_c;
>>>>> + u16 src_reg;
>>>>> + };
>>>>> };
>>>>> union {
>>>>> u16 offset;
>>>>> @@ -222,6 +226,21 @@ int cmdq_pkt_write_mask(struct cmdq_pkt *pkt, u8
>>>>> subsys,
>>>>> }
>>>>> EXPORT_SYMBOL(cmdq_pkt_write_mask);
>>>>> +int cmdq_pkt_write_s(struct cmdq_pkt *pkt, u16 high_addr_reg_idx,
>>>>> + u16 addr_low, u16 src_reg_idx)
>>>>> +{
>>>> Do I understand correctly that we use CMDQ_ADDR_HIGH(addr) and
>>>> CMDQ_ADDR_LOW(addr) to calculate in the client high_addr_reg_idx and
>>>> addr_low
>>>> respectively?
>>>> In that case I think a better interface would be to pass the address and
>>>> do the
>>>> high/low calculation in the cmdq_pkt_write_s
>>> Not exactly. The high_addr_reg_idx parameter is index of internal
>>> register (which store address bit[47:16]), not result of
>>> CMDQ_ADDR_HIGH(addr).
>>> The CMDQ_ADDR_HIGH macro use in patch 02/11 cmdq_pkt_assign() api. This
>>> api helps assign address bit[47:16] into one of internal register by
>>> index. And same index could be use in cmdq_pkt_write_s(). The gce
>>> combine bit[47:16] in internal register and bit[15:0] in addr_low
>>> parameter to final address. So it is better to keep interface in this
>>> way.
>> Got it, but then why don't we call cmdq_pkt_assign() in cmdq_pkt_write_s()?
>> This
>> way we would get a clean API for what we want to do.
>> Do we expect other users of cmdq_pkt_assign()? Otherwise we could keep it
>> private the this file and don't export it.
> Considering this case: write 2 register 0xaabb00c0 0xaabb00d0.
> If we call assign inside write_s api it will be:
> assign aabb to internal reg 0
> write reg 0 + 0x00c0
> assign aabb to internal reg 0
> write reg 0 + 0x00d0
> But if we let client decide timing to call assign, it will be like:
> assign aabb to internal reg 0
> write reg 0 + 0x00c0
> write reg 0 + 0x00d0
Ok, thanks for clarification. Is this something you exepect to see in the gce
consumer driver?
> The first way uses 4 command and second one uses only 3 command.
> Thus it is better to let client call assign explicitly.
>> By the way, why do you postfix the _s, I understand that it reflects the
>> large
>> DMA access but I wonder why you choose '_s'.
> The name of this command is "write_s" which is hardware spec.
> I'm just following it since it is a common language between gce sw/hw
> designers.
Ok, I will probably have to look that up every time have a look at the driver,
but that's OK.
> Regards,
> Dennis
>> Regards,
>> Matthias
>>> Regards,
>>> Dennis
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Matthias
>>>>> + struct cmdq_instruction inst = {};
>>>>> +
>>>>> + inst.op = CMDQ_CODE_WRITE_S;
>>>>> + inst.src_t = CMDQ_REG_TYPE;
>>>>> + inst.sop = high_addr_reg_idx;
>>>>> + inst.offset = addr_low;
>>>>> + inst.src_reg = src_reg_idx;
>>>>> +
>>>>> + return cmdq_pkt_append_command(pkt, inst);
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +EXPORT_SYMBOL(cmdq_pkt_write_s);
>>>>> +
>>>>> int cmdq_pkt_wfe(struct cmdq_pkt *pkt, u16 event)
>>>>> {
>>>>> struct cmdq_instruction inst = { {0} };
>>>>> diff --git a/include/linux/mailbox/mtk-cmdq-mailbox.h
>>>>> b/include/linux/mailbox/mtk-cmdq-mailbox.h
>>>>> index 121c3bb6d3de..ee67dd3b86f5 100644
>>>>> --- a/include/linux/mailbox/mtk-cmdq-mailbox.h
>>>>> +++ b/include/linux/mailbox/mtk-cmdq-mailbox.h
>>>>> @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ enum cmdq_code {
>>>>> CMDQ_CODE_JUMP = 0x10,
>>>>> CMDQ_CODE_WFE = 0x20,
>>>>> CMDQ_CODE_EOC = 0x40,
>>>>> + CMDQ_CODE_WRITE_S = 0x90,
>>>>> CMDQ_CODE_LOGIC = 0xa0,
>>>>> };
>>>>> diff --git a/include/linux/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq.h
>>>>> b/include/linux/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq.h
>>>>> index 83340211e1d3..e1c5a7549b4f 100644
>>>>> --- a/include/linux/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq.h
>>>>> +++ b/include/linux/soc/mediatek/mtk-cmdq.h
>>>>> @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
>>>>> #include <linux/timer.h>
>>>>> #define CMDQ_NO_TIMEOUT 0xffffffffu
>>>>> +#define CMDQ_ADDR_HIGH(addr) ((u32)(((addr) >> 16) & GENMASK(31, 0)))
>>>>> +#define CMDQ_ADDR_LOW(addr) ((u16)(addr) | BIT(1))
>>>>> struct cmdq_pkt;
>>>>> @@ -103,6 +105,23 @@ int cmdq_pkt_write_mask(struct cmdq_pkt *pkt, u8
>>>>> subsys,
>>>>> u16 offset, u32 value, u32 mask);
>>>>> /**
>>>>> + * cmdq_pkt_write_s() - append write_s command to the CMDQ packet
>>>>> + * @pkt: the CMDQ packet
>>>>> + * @high_addr_reg_idx: internal register ID which contains high
>>>>> address of pa
>>>>> + * @addr_low: low address of pa
>>>>> + * @src_reg_idx: the CMDQ internal register ID which cache source value
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * Return: 0 for success; else the error code is returned
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * Support write value to physical address without subsys. Use
>>>>> + * to get high address and call cmdq_pkt_assign() to assign value into
>>>>> internal
>>>>> + * reg. Also use CMDQ_ADDR_LOW() to get low address for addr_low
>>>>> parameter when
>>>>> + * call to this function.
>>>>> + */
>>>>> +int cmdq_pkt_write_s(struct cmdq_pkt *pkt, u16 high_addr_reg_idx,
>>>>> + u16 addr_low, u16 src_reg_idx);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/**
>>>>> * cmdq_pkt_wfe() - append wait for event command to the CMDQ packet
>>>>> * @pkt: the CMDQ packet
>>>>> * @event: the desired event type to "wait and CLEAR"
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