On Fri, 02 Nov 2012 06:56:57 +0100
Mario Kleiner <mario.klei...@tuebingen.mpg.de> wrote:
> Jesse, thanks for cc'ing me, much appreciated :)
> Psychtoolbox should be fine with a 50 msecs vblank off delay. I think i 
> tested with values somewhere between 50 - 100 msecs at the time the drm 
> patches were made. The way i schedule swaps for a specific target time 
> 'twhen' is to:
> 1. glXGetSyncValuesOML(msc,ust) as a baseline vblank count and time.
> 2. Some basic math to calculate targetMSC based on 'twhen' and step 1.
> 3. glXSwapBuffersMscOML(targetMSC);
> So it should tolerate wrong vblank counts due to races, as long as 
> vblank doesn't get disabled between 1. and 3. A default vblank off delay 
> lower than maybe 1 refresh duration would make me nervous, given that 
> most kms drivers are not race-free and it is possible for a userspace 
> app or the x-server to get stalled for a couple of msecs.
> E.g., radeon wouldn't allow this race-free, because the drm code assumes 
> that the hw vblank counter increments at leading edge of vblank, whereas 
> radeon hw does it at the traling edge, iirc. nouveau doesn't have any hw 
> vblank counter support, so it is "race free" until somebody fixes the 
> driver ;-) - ie., it would work with apps that use steps 1/2/3 above, 
> but broken for any other app.

Right, ok that clarifies things for me.  I knew you had some kind of
race between reading the hw value and scheduling things.  Is the above
in a comment somewhere in the vblank code?

> More trusting apps could get into more trouble with 50 msecs vs. 5000 
> msecs ...
> What kind of race in your code do you mean? What does your commit 
> message "...now that we've dealt with the hw races in Mario's updated 
> code..." refer to?

I was vaguely referring to all the fixes from a couple of years ago,
plus a foggy recollection of the above (which I thought might have been
magically fixed somehow).

> I remember that Matthew Garret sent out a patch set a couple of months 
> ago which aimed to make this configurable per kms driver, so each driver 
> could opt into low vblank off delay if it was ready to do it properly. 
> That would make a lot of sense.

Yeah, that would also be fine with me.  Unfortunately, these simple
patches seem to rot on the vine and never get applied, so we're stuck
with our current 5s timeout (which is huge).

> That said, for the current intel-ddx it wouldn't even matter for X11/GLX 
> applications if the kernel returned random numbers instead of vblank 
> counts, because the OML_sync_control swap scheduling in the ddx is 
> totally broken, and even glXSwapBuffers is a wreck for any swapinterval 
> setting except 0 and 1 since triple-buffering was introduced a year ago 
> and introduced some bug. Psychtoolbox now detects this since a few 
> weeks, prints out critical warnings to the user and tries to work around 
> with glXSwapBuffers trickery.
> I submitted a patch to fix the rather trivial but nasty bug. Jesse, if 
> you find some time, could you review it and convince Chris to merge it?
> Should be on the intel-gfx list and in your inbox, a simple . Subject line
> "[PATCH 2/3] ddx/dri2: Repair broken pageflip swap scheduling.", sent at 
> 7 October 2012.

Yeah, I'll check it out.  This code has changed a lot since I last
worked on it...

> I'll forward it again to you. Chris Wilson already gave me an off-list 
> review for that patch series after i pinged him. Unfortunately a rather 
> terse one, cited here:
> "On Mon, 15 Oct 2012 16:46:52 +0200, Mario Kleiner 
> <mario.klei...@tuebingen.mpg.de> wrote:
>  > Hi Chris,
>  >
>  > can you please check & merge at least the first two patches of the
>  > series into the intel ddx?
> The first is along the right path, but I think you want to base the
> split on divisor==0. The second is broken in the DRI2 layer, as the
> SwapLimit mechanism exposes the multi-client race to a single client
> (i.e. there is no serialisation between the InvalidateEvent and the
> GetBuffers, and the InvalidateEvent is always broadcast too early.) The
> third is just plain wrong, as pageflip may be a blocking ioctl (and will
> impose client blocking) so anybody who wants to override SwapBuffersWait
> will also want to prevent the inherent wait due to the flip. In any
> event that option is to only paper over the loose DRI2 specification and
> the lack of client control...
> -Chris
> "
> If i understood the comment wrt. to patch [2/3] "The first is along the 
> right path, but I think you want to base the split on divisor==0." 
> correctly, then that would be just as broken as the current 
> implementation, with some code obfuscation and confusion added, but i 
> don't know, maybe i just misunderstood his comment? I asked for 
> clarification, but he didn't respond to my followup e-mails. Maybe he 
> was just too busy to reply, maybe i'm just too pushy and annoying.
> I will try to make some friendship with piglit and see if i can write 
> some tests when i find some time to catch such bugs earlier in the future.
> Also, i take from Chris comments about patch [1/3] above that properly 
> implemented triple-buffering with correct timestamping and 
> synchronisation is impossible with the current X-Servers, because the 
> DRI2 invalidate event mechanism is racy and broken to the point of not 
> being fixable? Basically we would have to wait for DRI3?
> Sorry for getting a bit off-topic here, but i think it's important to 
> keep all layers working in a meaningful way if you want to support some 
> rather serious applications of computer graphics.

Agreed, and sorry for the breakage!  piglit tests would definitely help
if you find time.

Jesse Barnes, Intel Open Source Technology Center
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