On 09/23/12 03:40 PM, David Herrmann wrote:

This tries to continue the effort to document libdrm. I actually removed the
X11-like man-page generation code as autotools now support man_MANS. The
previous approach required every manpage to be in the same man-group. However,
API calls belong in man3 and overview pages into man7. So I just use the simpler
approach without all the replacements. It turns out, no man-page did use them so
we can add it again if one really needs them.

The X.Org rules were made to handle distros & OS'es using different man
sections.  For instance, on System V OS'es (including Solaris), overview man
pages go in section 5, drivers in section 7.   Linux adopted the BSD section
numbers, so this is much less interesting for libdrm than it was for XFree86
and X.Org back in the day, since we can just patch Solaris into working and
let upstream use the common section numbers for the rest.

        -Alan Coopersmith-              alan.coopersm...@oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc
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