Hi Robert,

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 4:44 AM Robert Chiras <robert.chi...@nxp.com> wrote:

> > You did not handle the "power" regulator.
> There is no need for a power regulator.

I am sure the panel requires power to be applied so that it can work :-)

> > Can't you simply remove them?
> The reset gpio pin is shared between the DSI display controller and

Looking at the imx8mq-evk schematics it is not clear for me what pin
in shared between the OLED display and touch screen.

Could you please clarify which pin you are referring to?

> touch controller, both found on the same panel. Since, the touch driver
> also acceses this gpio pin, in some cases the display can be put to
> sleep, but the touch is still active. This is why, during suspend I
> release the gpio resource, and I have to take it back in resume.
> Without this release/acquire mechanism during suspend/resume, stress-
> tests showed some failures: the resume freezes completly.

Looking at the imx8mq-evk dts from the vendor tree I see that the
touchscreen is not supported in mainline yet.

Maybe there is a better way to solve this, so what if you don't
introduce the suspend/resume hooks for now and then we revisit this
after the touchscreen driver is added?

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