This change adds support for all current patterns.

Signed-off-by: Ilia Mirkin <>
 tests/util/format.c  |   5 ++
 tests/util/pattern.c | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/util/format.c b/tests/util/format.c
index e52213bb..1ca1b82c 100644
--- a/tests/util/format.c
+++ b/tests/util/format.c
@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ static const struct util_format_info format_info[] = {
        { DRM_FORMAT_RGBX1010102, "RX30", MAKE_RGB_INFO(10, 22, 10, 12, 10, 2, 
0, 0) },
        { DRM_FORMAT_BGRA1010102, "BA30", MAKE_RGB_INFO(10, 2, 10, 12, 10, 22, 
2, 0) },
        { DRM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102, "BX30", MAKE_RGB_INFO(10, 2, 10, 12, 10, 22, 
0, 0) },
+       { DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616F, "XR4H", MAKE_RGB_INFO(16, 32, 16, 16, 16, 
0, 0, 0) },
+       { DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F, "XB4H", MAKE_RGB_INFO(16, 0, 16, 16, 16, 
32, 0, 0) },
+       { DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616F, "AR4H", MAKE_RGB_INFO(16, 32, 16, 16, 16, 
0, 16, 48) },
+       { DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F, "AB4H", MAKE_RGB_INFO(16, 0, 16, 16, 16, 
32, 16, 48) },
 uint32_t util_format_fourcc(const char *name)
diff --git a/tests/util/pattern.c b/tests/util/pattern.c
index ff110fd7..37796dbf 100644
--- a/tests/util/pattern.c
+++ b/tests/util/pattern.c
@@ -86,6 +86,17 @@ static inline uint32_t shiftcolor10(const struct 
util_color_component *comp,
        return value << comp->offset;
+/* This function takes 16-bit color values */
+static inline uint64_t shiftcolor16(const struct util_color_component *comp,
+                                   uint64_t value)
+       value &= 0xffff;
+       /* Shift down to remove unwanted low bits */
+       value = value >> (16 - comp->length);
+       /* Shift back up to where the value should be */
+       return value << comp->offset;
 #define MAKE_RGBA10(rgb, r, g, b, a) \
        (shiftcolor10(&(rgb)->red, (r)) | \
         shiftcolor10(&(rgb)->green, (g)) | \
@@ -101,6 +112,49 @@ static inline uint32_t shiftcolor10(const struct 
util_color_component *comp,
 #define MAKE_RGB24(rgb, r, g, b) \
        { .value = MAKE_RGBA(rgb, r, g, b, 0) }
+  * Takes a uint16_t, divides by 65536, converts the infinite-precision
+  * result to fp16 with round-to-zero.
+  *
+  * Copied from mesa:src/util/half_float.c
+  */
+static uint16_t uint16_div_64k_to_half(uint16_t v)
+       /* Zero or subnormal. Set the mantissa to (v << 8) and return. */
+       if (v < 4)
+               return v << 8;
+       /* Count the leading 0s in the uint16_t */
+       int n = __builtin_clz(v) - 16;
+       /* Shift the mantissa up so bit 16 is the hidden 1 bit,
+        * mask it off, then shift back down to 10 bits
+        */
+       int m = ( ((uint32_t)v << (n + 1)) & 0xffff ) >> 6;
+       /*  (0{n} 1 X{15-n}) * 2^-16
+        * = 1.X * 2^(15-n-16)
+        * = 1.X * 2^(14-n - 15)
+        * which is the FP16 form with e = 14 - n
+        */
+       int e = 14 - n;
+       return (e << 10) | m;
+#define MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, r, g, b, a) \
+       (shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->red, uint16_div_64k_to_half((r) << 8)) | \
+        shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->green, uint16_div_64k_to_half((g) << 8)) | \
+        shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->blue, uint16_div_64k_to_half((b) << 8)) | \
+        shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->alpha, uint16_div_64k_to_half((a) << 8)))
+#define MAKE_RGBA10FP16(rgb, r, g, b, a) \
+       (shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->red, uint16_div_64k_to_half((r) << 6)) | \
+        shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->green, uint16_div_64k_to_half((g) << 6)) | \
+        shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->blue, uint16_div_64k_to_half((b) << 6)) | \
+        shiftcolor16(&(rgb)->alpha, uint16_div_64k_to_half((a) << 6)))
 static void fill_smpte_yuv_planar(const struct util_yuv_info *yuv,
                                  unsigned char *y_mem, unsigned char *u_mem,
                                  unsigned char *v_mem, unsigned int width,
@@ -489,6 +543,67 @@ static void fill_smpte_rgb32(const struct util_rgb_info 
*rgb, void *mem,
+static void fill_smpte_rgb16fp(const struct util_rgb_info *rgb, void *mem,
+                              unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+                              unsigned int stride)
+       const uint64_t colors_top[] = {
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 192, 192, 192, 255),/* grey */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 192, 192, 0, 255),  /* yellow */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 0, 192, 192, 255),  /* cyan */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 0, 192, 0, 255),    /* green */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 192, 0, 192, 255),  /* magenta */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 192, 0, 0, 255),    /* red */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 0, 0, 192, 255),    /* blue */
+       };
+       const uint64_t colors_middle[] = {
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 0, 0, 192, 127),    /* blue */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 19, 19, 19, 127),   /* black */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 192, 0, 192, 127),  /* magenta */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 19, 19, 19, 127),   /* black */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 0, 192, 192, 127),  /* cyan */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 19, 19, 19, 127),   /* black */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 192, 192, 192, 127),/* grey */
+       };
+       const uint64_t colors_bottom[] = {
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 0, 33, 76, 255),    /* in-phase */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 255, 255, 255, 255),/* super white */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 50, 0, 106, 255),   /* quadrature */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 19, 19, 19, 255),   /* black */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 9, 9, 9, 255),      /* 3.5% */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 19, 19, 19, 255),   /* 7.5% */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 29, 29, 29, 255),   /* 11.5% */
+               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, 19, 19, 19, 255),   /* black */
+       };
+       unsigned int x;
+       unsigned int y;
+       for (y = 0; y < height * 6 / 9; ++y) {
+               for (x = 0; x < width; ++x)
+                       ((uint64_t *)mem)[x] = colors_top[x * 7 / width];
+               mem += stride;
+       }
+       for (; y < height * 7 / 9; ++y) {
+               for (x = 0; x < width; ++x)
+                       ((uint64_t *)mem)[x] = colors_middle[x * 7 / width];
+               mem += stride;
+       }
+       for (; y < height; ++y) {
+               for (x = 0; x < width * 5 / 7; ++x)
+                       ((uint64_t *)mem)[x] =
+                               colors_bottom[x * 4 / (width * 5 / 7)];
+               for (; x < width * 6 / 7; ++x)
+                       ((uint64_t *)mem)[x] =
+                               colors_bottom[(x - width * 5 / 7) * 3
+                                             / (width / 7) + 4];
+               for (; x < width; ++x)
+                       ((uint64_t *)mem)[x] = colors_bottom[7];
+               mem += stride;
+       }
 static void fill_smpte_c8(void *mem, unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
                          unsigned int stride)
@@ -638,6 +753,13 @@ static void fill_smpte(const struct util_format_info 
*info, void *planes[3],
        case DRM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102:
                return fill_smpte_rgb32(&info->rgb, planes[0],
                                        width, height, stride);
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F:
+               return fill_smpte_rgb16fp(&info->rgb, planes[0],
+                                         width, height, stride);
@@ -849,6 +971,32 @@ static void fill_tiles_rgb32(const struct util_format_info 
*info, void *mem,
        make_pwetty(mem_base, width, height, stride, info->format);
+static void fill_tiles_rgb16fp(const struct util_format_info *info, void *mem,
+                              unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+                              unsigned int stride)
+       const struct util_rgb_info *rgb = &info->rgb;
+       void *mem_base = mem;
+       unsigned int x, y;
+       /* TODO: Give this actual fp16 precision */
+       for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+               for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+                       div_t d = div(x+y, width);
+                       uint32_t rgb32 = 0x00130502 * (d.quot >> 6)
+                                      + 0x000a1120 * (d.rem >> 6);
+                       uint32_t alpha = ((y < height/2) && (x < width/2)) ? 
127 : 255;
+                       uint64_t color =
+                               MAKE_RGBA8FP16(rgb, (rgb32 >> 16) & 0xff,
+                                              (rgb32 >> 8) & 0xff, rgb32 & 
+                                              alpha);
+                       ((uint64_t *)mem)[x] = color;
+               }
+               mem += stride;
+       }
 static void fill_tiles(const struct util_format_info *info, void *planes[3],
                       unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
                       unsigned int stride)
@@ -923,14 +1071,32 @@ static void fill_tiles(const struct util_format_info 
*info, void *planes[3],
        case DRM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102:
                return fill_tiles_rgb32(info, planes[0],
                                        width, height, stride);
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F:
+               return fill_tiles_rgb16fp(info, planes[0],
+                                         width, height, stride);
-static void fill_plain(void *planes[3],
+static void fill_plain(const struct util_format_info *info, void *planes[3],
                       unsigned int height,
                       unsigned int stride)
-       memset(planes[0], 0x77, stride * height);
+       switch (info->format) {
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F:
+               /* 0x3838 = 0.5273 */
+               memset(planes[0], 0x38, stride * height);
+               break;
+       default:
+               memset(planes[0], 0x77, stride * height);
+               break;
+       }
 static void fill_gradient_rgb32(const struct util_rgb_info *rgb,
@@ -961,6 +1127,34 @@ static void fill_gradient_rgb32(const struct 
util_rgb_info *rgb,
+static void fill_gradient_rgb16fp(const struct util_rgb_info *rgb,
+                                 void *mem,
+                                 unsigned int width, unsigned int height,
+                                 unsigned int stride)
+       int i, j;
+       for (i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) {
+               uint64_t *row = mem;
+               for (j = 0; j < width / 2; j++) {
+                       uint64_t value = MAKE_RGBA10FP16(rgb, j & 0x3ff, j & 
0x3ff, j & 0x3ff, 0);
+                       row[2*j] = row[2*j+1] = value;
+               }
+               mem += stride;
+       }
+       for (; i < height; i++) {
+               uint64_t *row = mem;
+               for (j = 0; j < width / 2; j++) {
+                       uint64_t value = MAKE_RGBA10FP16(rgb, j & 0x3fc, j & 
0x3fc, j & 0x3fc, 0);
+                       row[2*j] = row[2*j+1] = value;
+               }
+               mem += stride;
+       }
 /* The gradient pattern creates two horizontal gray gradients, split
  * into two halves. The top half has 10bpc precision, the bottom half
  * has 8bpc precision. When using with a 10bpc fb format, there are 3
@@ -1009,6 +1203,13 @@ static void fill_gradient(const struct util_format_info 
*info, void *planes[3],
        case DRM_FORMAT_BGRX1010102:
                return fill_gradient_rgb32(&info->rgb, planes[0],
                                           width, height, stride);
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XRGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_XBGR16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ARGB16161616F:
+       case DRM_FORMAT_ABGR16161616F:
+               return fill_gradient_rgb16fp(&info->rgb, planes[0],
+                                            width, height, stride);
@@ -1042,7 +1243,7 @@ void util_fill_pattern(uint32_t format, enum 
util_fill_pattern pattern,
                return fill_smpte(info, planes, width, height, stride);
        case UTIL_PATTERN_PLAIN:
-               return fill_plain(planes, height, stride);
+               return fill_plain(info, planes, height, stride);
                return fill_gradient(info, planes, width, height, stride);

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