On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 08:05:32PM +0800, Qiang Yu wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> > Since your first patch set, I did raise this internally. The request
> > has been making it's way through:
> >
> >  - GPU engineering, to determine what exactly this format is, and
> >    what other variants there might be which are supported on different
> >    GPU generations, so that we can determine a sane naming convention.
> >
> >  - Our legal team, to determine what detail we are happy to share from
> >    an IP perspective. I can't imagine there being an issue here, but
> >    process is process, and there's not a lot I can do to move that
> >    along.
> >
> > There was talk on the legal side last week. I will ask for an update.
> > I realise this is taking a very long time, and for that I can only
> > apologise; I really am trying to get you an answer.
> Thanks for the update and your effort to make a generic solution on
> the ARM side. It's really some time passed since last time we talked
> about this, but I think it's worth to wait for more time to get a reliable
> solution with more internal information known by us.

Thank you for your patience :-)

> > For other layouts which don't have this kind of combinatorial effect,
> > I'd rather have #defines for the specific layouts, all individually
> > setting the top bit, without giving that top bit any kind of "name".
> > The top bit would effectively mean "not AFBC", rather than meaning
> > "AGTB", allowing us to use the lower bits more freely.
> >
> Seems like another kind of category, but with different meaning.

Indeed, just a category without a name ;-)

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