On 3/15/19 3:54 AM, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
>> +static int dma_heap_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
>> +{
>> +    filp->private_data = NULL;
>> +
>> +    return 0;
>> +}
> No point in clearing ->private_data, the file is about to be freed.

This was leftover from when release had some memory to free, will remove.

>> +
>> +static long dma_heap_ioctl(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd,
>> +                       unsigned long arg)
> Pleae don't use the weird legacy filp naming, file is a perfectly
> valid and readable default name for struct file pointers.

Thanks for info, I saw both used and this was used where I found the
prototype so I used it too, will fix.

>> +{
>> +    switch (cmd) {
>> +    case DMA_HEAP_IOC_ALLOC:
>> +    {
>> +            struct dma_heap_allocation_data heap_allocation;
>> +            struct dma_heap *heap = filp->private_data;
>> +            int fd;
> Please split each ioctl into a separate function from the very start,
> otherwise this will grow into a spaghetty mess sooner than you can
> see cheese.

Good idea, will fix.

>> +    dev_ret = device_create(dma_heap_class,
>> +                            NULL,
>> +                            heap->heap_devt,
>> +                            NULL,
>> +                            heap->name);
> No need this weird argument alignment.

I kinda like it this way, if everything cant fit on one line then
everything gets its own line, seems more consistent. If there is strong
objection I can fix.
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