Burst mode display timings are different from convectional
video mode so update the horizontal and vertical timings.

Reference code taken from BSP
(in drivers/video/sunxi/disp2/disp/de/lowlevel_sun50iw1/de_dsi.c)
dsi_hsa  = 0;
dsi_hbp  = 0;
dsi_hact = x*dsi_pixel_bits[format]/8;
dsi_hblk = dsi_hact;
dsi_hfp  = 0;
dsi_vblk = 0;

Signed-off-by: Jagan Teki <ja...@amarulasolutions.com>
 drivers/gpu/drm/sun4i/sun6i_mipi_dsi.c | 108 ++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/sun4i/sun6i_mipi_dsi.c 
index 077b57ec964c..4965b2c71e4c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/sun4i/sun6i_mipi_dsi.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/sun4i/sun6i_mipi_dsi.c
@@ -479,59 +479,71 @@ static void sun6i_dsi_setup_timings(struct sun6i_dsi *dsi,
        /* Do all timing calculations up front to allocate buffer space */
-       /*
-        * A sync period is composed of a blanking packet (4 bytes +
-        * payload + 2 bytes) and a sync event packet (4 bytes). Its
-        * minimal size is therefore 10 bytes
-        */
+       if (device->mode_flags == MIPI_DSI_MODE_VIDEO_BURST) {
+               hsa = 0;
+               hbp = 0;
+               hblk = mode->hdisplay * Bpp;
+               hfp = 0;
+               vblk = 0;
+       } else {
+               /*
+                * A sync period is composed of a blanking packet (4 bytes +
+                * payload + 2 bytes) and a sync event packet (4 bytes). Its
+                * minimal size is therefore 10 bytes
+                */
 #define HSA_PACKET_OVERHEAD    10
-       hsa = max((unsigned int)HSA_PACKET_OVERHEAD,
-                 (mode->hsync_end - mode->hsync_start) * Bpp - 
-       /*
-        * The backporch is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes +
-        * payload + 2 bytes). Its minimal size is therefore 6 bytes
-        */
+               hsa = max((unsigned int)HSA_PACKET_OVERHEAD,
+                         (mode->hsync_end - mode->hsync_start) * Bpp -
+                         HSA_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
+               /*
+                * The backporch is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes +
+                * payload + 2 bytes). Its minimal size is therefore 6 bytes
+                */
-       hbp = max((unsigned int)HBP_PACKET_OVERHEAD,
-                 (mode->htotal - mode->hsync_end) * Bpp - HBP_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
-       /*
-        * hblk seems to be the line + porches length.
-        * The blank is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes + 4 bytes +
-        * payload + 2 bytes). So minimal size is 10 bytes
-        */
+               hbp = max((unsigned int)HBP_PACKET_OVERHEAD,
+                         (mode->htotal - mode->hsync_end) * Bpp -
+                         HBP_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
+               /*
+                * hblk seems to be the line + porches length.
+                * The blank is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes + 4 bytes
+                * + payload + 2 bytes). So minimal size is 10 bytes
+                */
-       hblk_max = (mode->htotal - (mode->hsync_end - mode->hsync_start)) * Bpp;
-       hblk_max -= HBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD;
-       hblk = max_t(unsigned int, HBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD, hblk_max);
-       /*
-        * The frontporch is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes +
-        * payload + 2 bytes). Its minimal size is therefore 6 bytes
-        *
-        * According to BSP code, extra 10 bytes(which is hblk packet overhead)
-        * is adding for hfp packet overhead since hfp depends on hblk.
-        */
+               hblk_max = (mode->htotal -
+                          (mode->hsync_end - mode->hsync_start)) * Bpp;
+               hblk_max -= HBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD;
+               hblk = max_t(unsigned int, HBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD, hblk_max);
+               /*
+                * The frontporch is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes +
+                * payload + 2 bytes). Its minimal size is therefore 6 bytes
+                *
+                * According to BSP code, extra 10 bytes(which is hblk packet
+                * overhead) is adding for hfp packet overhead since hfp
+                * depends on hblk.
+                */
-       hfp_pkt_overhead = (HFP_PACKET_OVERHEAD + HBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
-       hfp = max((unsigned int)hfp_pkt_overhead,
-                 (mode->hsync_start - mode->hdisplay) * Bpp -
-                 hfp_pkt_overhead);
-       /*
-        * The vertical blank is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes +
-        * payload + 2 bytes). Its minimal size is therefore 6 bytes
-        */
+               hfp_pkt_overhead = (HFP_PACKET_OVERHEAD + HBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
+               hfp = max((unsigned int)hfp_pkt_overhead,
+                         (mode->hsync_start - mode->hdisplay) * Bpp -
+                         hfp_pkt_overhead);
+               /*
+                * The vertical blank is set using a blanking packet (4 bytes +
+                * payload + 2 bytes). Its minimal size is therefore 6 bytes
+                */
-       if (device->lanes == 4) {
-               int tmp;
-               tmp = (mode->htotal * Bpp) * mode->vtotal -
-                     (hblk + VBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
-               vblk = (device->lanes - tmp % device->lanes);
-       } else {
-               vblk = 0;
+               if (device->lanes == 4) {
+                       int tmp;
+                       tmp = (mode->htotal * Bpp) * mode->vtotal -
+                             (hblk + VBLK_PACKET_OVERHEAD);
+                       vblk = (device->lanes - tmp % device->lanes);
+               } else {
+                       vblk = 0;
+               }
        /* How many bytes do we need to send all payloads? */

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