On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 09:44:19AM +0800, llittle了了 wrote:
> HI,all
>       Now, my lab is using radeon_ati card。And, I need ati_card dma 
> function。But, I do not clear that how the ati card know the dma address which 
> alloced by kernel??

By using the PCI API.


>       Can any kernel drivers for radeon card give me some advise or explain 
> the answer? 
>       I have read the radeon driver in kernel (/driver/gpu/drm/randeon/xxx 
> )and the TTM manager. So, as I know, If I use GFP_KERNEL sign to alloc 
> memory, the radeon_card work right, but any other palce ,it failed. Why and 
> how this happened?
>       Is there any way to tell the dma address and ring buffer address in 
> kernel to the radeon_card ?
>      It`s so confused! Hope for your answer! 
> Thanks so much!
> zhiyig Si

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